The Wicked Witch Costume is a costume in Fall Guys.
The Good Witch Costume and the Golden Witch Costume are variations of this set.
Notes[ | ]
- Unusually for a Rare costume, it was previously sold at an incredibly discounted price of 200 Kudos total (100 for the top and bottom). This was due to the Three Wolf Moon Sale that coincided with the Steam Halloween Sale 2020, and was a special limited-time pricing.[1]
- Due to it being so cheap, the game with the most players wearing the same costume top was the Wicked Witch on 31 October 2020 (Halloween).[2]
Gallery[ | ]
3D Artwork[ | ]
Key art[ | ]
Promotional artwork[ | ]
Ski Fall High Scorers (Falloween)
Game Icons[ | ]
Main article: Splash Image/Game