TEAM is one of the eight types of levels in Fall Guys. It divides the remaining players into two to four teams that attempt to complete a goal or get the highest amount of points. One team is always eliminated.
All costumes are team-coloured in this mode (except for Volleyfall); all variations of a costume are coloured the same, making them indistinguishable from each other. (Example: the Big Bad Costume, Huff Puff Costume, and Golden Wolf Costume will all look the same.) Costumes that are already the "right" colour for the team (for example: a Sonic costume on the blue team) will often not be altered by the game.
There are currently 12 (13 including Volleyfall) Team levels in the game.
Team selection[ | ]
- Team levels only appear in any Squad-based Core Games and other special playlists.
- Team levels normally require equal numbers of players per team in order to be selected and will not appear otherwise.
- Team levels can appear in any round of an episode.
- Sometimes team rounds will be selected earlier, with multiple squads being assigned to one team.
- All 2-Squad based Team levels (Basketfall, Fall Ball, Jinxed, Power Trip) can be selected as a Final.
- It is possible for there to be multiple team games after each other. For example, Team Tail Tag into Snowy Scrap into Jinxed.
- In extremely rare cases it is possible to ONLY get Team levels during an entire game (e.g. Team Tail Tag, into Egg Scramble, into Jinxed, into a Fall Ball Final).
- Duos is more complex, due to player counts differing (e.g. Team Tail Tag, into Basketfall, into Fall Ball, into Pegwin Pursuit, into a Power Trip Final).
- Team levels are usually never selected with an uneven number of players in core games. (Any such instance of uneven teams therefore only occur when players disconnect/leave the game.) However, in special playlists like Snow Day Stumble and Future Fumble (showcasing the new season's rounds) or in rare bugged cases, they may be selected with an uneven number of players.
- Outside of Squads and Duos, and in extremely rare cases, if there are a very small amount of players in a lobby, the game will skip the first round, and move onto the second round, and as stated above, most team levels can appear from the second round, and on, and they need an even number of players, and in these cases, team levels have a chance of starting an episode, although it's rare.
History[ | ]
- Team levels were previously available to be played in Main Show. Multiple Team levels were previously able to be selected after each other, but this was since tweaked to not occur specifically in Main Show.
- A small number of team levels were removed from Main Show due to a lack of popularity. Eventually, all team levels were removed from Main Show on 10 May 2022.
- Tail Tag was planned to be unvaulted in the Summer Breeze Update but was replaced with Team Tail Tag by mistake in Solos. This has been changed in a later content update. This marks the first time a team game was available in Solos since their removal, not counting the server outage on 2023-01-19 which caused all Team games to be temporarily back to Solo Show.
- A selection of TEAM levels were readded to Squads and Duos one week after the Fall Forever Update dropped.
Overtime[ | ]
A level will run into overtime if two or more teams have the same lowest score by the time the buzzer ends. In some levels, the timer will be extended, and in others, the first team to break the tie qualifies.
List of team levels[ | ]
Classic Team Levels[ | ]
Round | Objec |
How to play | Partici |
Qualifi |
Added in | |
Basketfall | Score points! | Score points by getting balls into the opposing team's basket - work together to get the win! Use Grab to pick up balls! | 12 - 16 (Squads; non-final, even numbers only) 8 - 8 (Squads; final, even numbers only) 12 - 24 (Duos; non-final even numbers only) 4 - 4 (Duos; final, even numbers only)) | Highest scoring team | Season 4 (Legacy) (22 March 2021) | |
Egg Scramble | Collect the eggs! | Use Grab to GRAB eggs - store them in your team's nest to score points! | 9 - 24 (Squads; Multiples of 3 only) 12 - 26 (Duos; Multiples of 3 only) | 2 highest scoring teams | Beta (25 July 2020) | |
Egg Siege | Collect the eggs! | Use Grab to GRAB eggs - store them in your team's nest to score points! | 9 - 12 (Squads; Multiples of 3 only) 6 - 6 (Duos; Multiples of 3 only) | 2 highest scoring teams | Season 2 (Legacy) (8 October 2020) | |
Fall Ball | Score goals! | Score goals by getting balls into the opposing team's goal - work together to get the win! | 12 - 16 (Squads; non-final, even numbers only) 8 - 8 (Squads; final, even numbers only) 12 - 24 (Duos; non-final, even numbers only) 4 - 4 (Duos; final, even numbers only) | Highest scoring team | Beta (25 July 2020) | |
Hoarders | Hoard the balls! | Keep balls in your area to earn points for your team! | 12 - 24 (Squads; Multiples of 3 only) 12 - 30 (Duos; Multiples of 3 only) | 2 highest scoring teams | Beta (25 July 2020) | |
Hoopsie Daisy | Jump through hoops! | JUMP and DIVE through hoops to score points for your team! | 12 - 24 (Squads and Duos; Multiples of 3 only) | 2 highest scoring teams | Beta (25 July 2020) | |
Jinxed | Don't get jinxed! | The first team to get completely Jinxed are eliminated! When you get caught, GRAB the opposing team to Jinx them! | 12 - 16 (Squads; non-final, even numbers only) 8 - 8 (Squads; final, even numbers only) 12 - 24 (Duos; non-final, even numbers only) 4 - 4 (Duos; final, even numbers only) | Highest scoring team | Beta (25 July 2020) | |
Pegwin Pursuit | Hold that penguin! | Grab and hold onto a Penguin to score points for your team! | 9 - 24 (Squads; Multiples of 3 only) 6 - 24 (Duos; Multiples of 3 only) | 2 highest scoring teams | Season 3 (Legacy) (15 December 2020) | |
Power Trip | Colour tiles! | GRAB batteries with Grab to colour tiles! The team with the most tiles coloured wins the round! | 12 - 16 ((Squads; non-final, even numbers only) 8 - 8 (Squads; final, even numbers only) 10 - 24 (Duos; non-final, even numbers only) 4 - 4 (Duos; final, even numbers only) | Highest scoring team | Season 4 (Legacy) (22 March 2021) | |
Rock 'n' Roll | Push your ball! | Work together to PUSH your ball to the finish line before the other teams! | 12 - 24 (Squads; Multiples of 3 only) 12 - 30 (Duos; Multiples of 3 only) | 2 highest scoring teams | Beta (25 July 2020) | |
Snowy Scrap | Push your snowball! | Push your snowball through snow to grow it to max size! | 12 - 28 (Squads; Multiples of 3 only) 12 - 30 (Duos; Multiples of 3 only) | 2 highest scoring teams | Season 3 (Legacy) (15 December 2020) | |
Team Tail Tag | Grab a tail! | Use Grab to GRAB a tail - make sure that your team has more tails than the rest when the timer runs out! | 16 - 40 (Squads and Duos; Multiples of 4 only) | 3 highest scoring teams | Beta (25 July 2020) |
Creative Team Levels[ | ]
While the Team mode is currently not available to select for levels in Fall Guys Creative, Creative Points levels have Team mechanics in special squad-based shows, like Scrapyard Stumble and Frosty Frolics.
Round | Description | Theme | Created by | Partici | |
Box Party 1007-5495-8724 | Grab a rubber chicken and destroy the boxes to score points! | Original | Fall Guys Team | max. 24 | |
Chicken Gulch 0656-0741-2282 | Grab a rubber chicken and destroy the boulders to score points! | Original | Fall Guys Team | max. 20 | |
Slide N' Smash 6581-2980-2261 | Slide down and break the boxes to score points! | Original | Fall Guys Team | max. 40 | |
Sort It Out 9576-1366-7102 | Put the eggs, blocks and basketballs in the right zone to score points! | Original | Fall Guys Team | max. 24 | |
Top of the Trash 7252-6787-7802 | Stay on top of the rubbish pile to score points. Use the rubber chicken to knock out other players! | Original | Fall Guys Team | max. 40 | |
Winter Gold Rush 6984-6467-1451 | Destroy the blocks to score points! | Original | Fall Guys Team | max. 24 |
In squad-based games, Volleyfall is also tagged as a Team levels rather than a Points round. Though not specifically categorized, Sweet Thieves, Treat Thieves, Pixel Painters and Tip Toe Finale also fit into this category.
Trivia[ | ]
- On the launch of Season 2 (Legacy), all the Season 1 (Legacy) Team levels had their soundtrack changed from Survive The Fall to Beans of The Round Table.
- However, Beans of the Round Table does have a beta version, from the beta version of the game, and it was supposed to play on Team games, but it wasn't finished by the time Season 1 launched, getting delayed until Season 2.
- All Season 4 (Legacy) Team levels also had their soundtrack changed from Falling Stars (Chugu Bam Bam) to Virtual Beanity during the mid-season update, due to the song being finished late.
- Team levels are considered by the community to be one of the worst level types, mainly because they are heavily reliant on other players.
- For a long time, Season 4 (Legacy) was the last season to add Team levels, and no more team levels were added after Season 5 (Legacy).
- Sweet Thieves, added in Season 6 (Legacy) is also a team level, and has team colors, despite being tagged as INVISIBEANS.
- Volleyfall, added in Season 1, is tagged as TEAM in squad-based games.
- Pixel Painters and Tip Toe Finale, added in Season 2 also require the teams to cooperate together to qualify, and are only in squad-based games, despite the former being tagged as LOGIC and the latter being tagged as FINAL.
- None of these levels are included in the Squad Celebration before its tenth appearance, as Pixel Painters was added into the level pool in that time.
- Season 4 introduced Co-op levels which requires other players to work together to progress and finish the round.
- If these levels were to be counted as team ones, despite their official classification, then Season 5 (Legacy) and Season 3 are the only seasons to not have any levels that could be considered to be team.
- According to the weekly vibe checks on Fall Guys' official Discord server, they consider to add the Team level type to Fall Guys Creative.
- There are up to four different team colours:
- Yellow and Blue are featured on all Team levels.
- Red on team levels with at least three teams.
- Green on team levels with at least four teams.
- Team Tail Tag is the only team level to include the green team.
- There is also an unused team color, which is Purple, which means that somewhere in development, there were meant to be 5 teams in a Team level. This is unused as of the moment, however, when Team be added to Creative, this (having 5 teams) might be a thing in the game.
- Hoarders and Egg Siege were the first Team levels to be excluded from Main Show due to the community deeming them to be the least fun. Hoarders returned to Main Show on 2 August 2021.
- Team is currently the only level type where all of its levels have been removed from a Core Game.
- On 10 May 2022, all Team levels have been removed from Main Show, and this removal carries until today.
- In the Summer Breeze Update, all team levels that got unvaulted ever since post-seasons, were added back to Duos.
- In fact, Egg Scramble was exclusive to Duos in the Summer Breeze Update, before a content update on the same day.
- The return of Team levels to Duos became official as of the Survival Update, when Duos was put under the "Team Games" section in the Game Selector.
- They eventually all got added back in Fall Forever Update.
- In the Summer Breeze Update, all team levels that got unvaulted ever since post-seasons, were added back to Duos.
- On 10 May 2022, all Team levels have been removed from Main Show, and this removal carries until today.
- Jinxed is the only Team round to not revolve around a movable/grabbable object.
- In squad-based games, Volleyfall is tagged as Team level. However, it doesn't alter the colors of the player's costume based on their team. This could be due to the arena being split, and no players of the opposing teams are touching each other. However, based on the arena colors, they would be Blue and Yellow teams.
- There is the same number of Team levels in the game as there is Finals, and Points levels, as all level types have 12 of them.
- With Volleyfall included, this is not the case.
- In Summer Breeze Update and Fall Force Update, all team levels have lower minimum player requirements to show up, possibly to match with the 40 player lobbies. It can mainly be seen in The Vault, and some other solo-based special games.
- The only team levels, which have the possibility to be a starter round in Squads (and possibly Duos) as of Power Party Update, are Egg Scramble, Hoarders and Team Tail Tag, due to their maximum player counts being over 30 players.
- This possibility is unknown, as of [[Fall Forever Update due to the player counts being decreased in every show due to the 32 player requierment.
- All Team levels were not present in Core modes in the first week of the Fall Forever Update, because the roundpool was the same as Knockout.
- Hoopsie Daisy was the only 'Team' level present during the first week, it wasn't tagged as a TEAM level however, it was tagged as a POINTS level, also behaving like a POINTS level.
- As of 15 May 2024, every (currently present) Team level is back in Squads and Duos.
- As of June '24 Update, Egg Siege is currently the only Team level not to be present in Core Games.
- This might mean it could return soon.
- As of the July '24 Update, every Team level is back in the game.