Fall Guys: Ultimate Knockout Wiki
Fall Guys: Ultimate Knockout Wiki

Season 6, nicknamed Party Spectacular and commonly abbreviated as S6 or LS6, was the sixth Season of Fall Guys. It began after Season 5 (Legacy) ended on 30 November 2021 and is succeeded by Season 1.

Background Information[ | ]

A reveal live stream called "Big Streamus 2: The Dabbening" took place on 23 November 2021, showing the trailers, rounds, gameplay, costumes, features, the fame path, interviews and the launch date[1].

New changes introduced in Season 6[ | ]

Fame totals for the fame path were rebalanced relative to Season 5 (Legacy). While the lower levels now require a lot more Fame compared to their equivalent levels in the previous fame path, the increase in Fame to the next level stops much faster (maxing out at 610 Fame between levels 11 and 12), resulting in this fame path requiring less overall Fame. This change, according to Lead Game Designer Joe Walsh, was to stop players clearing multiple levels rapidly in the first show of the new season.[2]

Season 6 introduced cross-progression, which allows items to be carried across platforms.[3] As a result, players will be required to create an Epic Games account. The ability to create cross-platform parties was announced to be introduced later in the season; this was teased to, and eventually came to, the game as of the mid-season update on 22 February 2022, named 6.Smoshsmay (which rhymes with 'crossplay').[4]

New Rounds[ | ]

5 new rounds were initally added to the game. Sweet Thieves, which introduced a new Round type, was added later during a mid-season update, and is only available in its exclusive playlist.

Splash Airtime
Splash Full Tilt
Full Tilt
Splash Leading Light
Leading Light
Splash Party Promenade
Party Promenade
Splash Pipe Dream
Pipe Dream
Splash Sweet Thieves
Sweet Thieves

List of Fame Path Rewards[ | ]

Fame Path Rewards
Level Reward Reward Type Total Fame Fame to next Level
1 None UI currency fame 1080p 0 UI currency fame 1080p 450
2 Carnifaller Costume Upper UI currency fame 1080p 450 UI currency fame 1080p 450
3 Bacon and Eggs Colour UI currency fame 1080p 900 UI currency fame 1080p 470
4 Party Starter Nickname UI currency fame 1080p 1370 UI currency fame 1080p 490
5 UI currency crowns 1080p 2 Crowns UI currency fame 1080p 1860 UI currency fame 1080p 510
6 Carnifaller Costume Lower UI currency fame 1080p 2370 UI currency fame 1080p 530
7 UI currency kudos 1080p 2000 Kudos UI currency fame 1080p 2900 UI currency fame 1080p 550
8 Beach Ball Buff Banner UI currency fame 1080p 3450 UI currency fame 1080p 570
9 UI currency crowns 1080p 2 Crowns UI currency fame 1080p 4020 UI currency fame 1080p 590
10 Jin Sakai Costume Lower UI currency fame 1080p 4610 UI currency fame 1080p 600
11 UI currency kudos 1080p 2000 Kudos UI currency fame 1080p 5210 UI currency fame 1080p 610
12 Party Flags Pattern UI currency fame 1080p 5820 UI currency fame 1080p 610
13 Diver Banner UI currency fame 1080p 6430 UI currency fame 1080p 610
14 UI currency crowns 1080p 2 Crowns UI currency fame 1080p 7040 UI currency fame 1080p 610
15 Jin Sakai Costume Upper UI currency fame 1080p 7650 UI currency fame 1080p 610
16 Parakeet Colour UI currency fame 1080p 8260 UI currency fame 1080p 610
17 UI currency kudos 1080p 3000 Kudos UI currency fame 1080p 8870 UI currency fame 1080p 610
18 Chill Vibes Costume Lower UI currency fame 1080p 9480 UI currency fame 1080p 610
19 Peach Fuzz Faceplate UI currency fame 1080p 10090 UI currency fame 1080p 610
20 UI currency crowns 1080p 3 Crowns UI currency fame 1080p 10700 UI currency fame 1080p 610
21 Chill Vibes Costume Upper UI currency fame 1080p 11310 UI currency fame 1080p 610
22 Party On Banner UI currency fame 1080p 11920 UI currency fame 1080p 610
23 Mr Sealson Costume Lower UI currency fame 1080p 12530 UI currency fame 1080p 610
24 UI currency kudos 1080p 3000 Kudos UI currency fame 1080p 13140 UI currency fame 1080p 610
25 80s Party Pattern UI currency fame 1080p 13750 UI currency fame 1080p 610
26 UI currency crowns 1080p 5 Crowns UI currency fame 1080p 14360 UI currency fame 1080p 610
27 Mr Sealson Costume Upper UI currency fame 1080p 14970 UI currency fame 1080p 610
28 Fallapalooza Nickname UI currency fame 1080p 15580 UI currency fame 1080p 610
29 UI currency kudos 1080p 4000 Kudos UI currency fame 1080p 16190 UI currency fame 1080p 610
30 Lady Margot Costume Lower UI currency fame 1080p 16800 UI currency fame 1080p 610
31 Eggshell Colour UI currency fame 1080p 17410 UI currency fame 1080p 610
32 Leopard Print Pattern UI currency fame 1080p 18020 UI currency fame 1080p 610
33 UI currency crowns 1080p 3 Crowns UI currency fame 1080p 18630 UI currency fame 1080p 610
34 Lady Margot Costume Upper UI currency fame 1080p 19240 UI currency fame 1080p 610
35 UI currency kudos 1080p 5000 Kudos UI currency fame 1080p 19850 UI currency fame 1080p 610
36 Just WOW Colour UI currency fame 1080p 20460 UI currency fame 1080p 610
37 Big Yeetus Costume Lower UI currency fame 1080p 21070 UI currency fame 1080p 610
38 Crown Tally Pattern UI currency fame 1080p 21680 UI currency fame 1080p 610
39 I'll Be Slime! Banner UI currency fame 1080p 22290 UI currency fame 1080p 610
40 UI currency crowns 1080p 5 Crowns UI currency fame 1080p 22900 UI currency fame 1080p 610
41 Big Yeetus Costume Upper UI currency fame 1080p 23510 UI currency fame 1080p 610
42 Pipe Dreamer Nickname UI currency fame 1080p 24120 UI currency fame 1080p 610
43 Midnight Colour UI currency fame 1080p 24730 UI currency fame 1080p 610
44 Night Owl Faceplate UI currency fame 1080p 25340 UI currency fame 1080p 610
45 The Ghost Costume Lower UI currency fame 1080p 25950 UI currency fame 1080p 610
46 UI currency kudos 1080p 5000 Kudos UI currency fame 1080p 26560 UI currency fame 1080p 610
47 Crown Town Banner UI currency fame 1080p 27170 UI currency fame 1080p 610
48 Everybody Falls Emote UI currency fame 1080p 27780 UI currency fame 1080p 610
49 UI currency crowns 1080p 5 Crowns UI currency fame 1080p 28390 UI currency fame 1080p 610
50 The Ghost Costume Upper UI currency fame 1080p 29000

Gallery[ | ]

Artwork[ | ]

Promotional images[ | ]

Promotional screenshots[ | ]

Videos[ | ]

Cinematic Trailer[ | ]

Gameplay Trailer[ | ]

Reveal Stream (Big Streamus 2: The Dabbening)[ | ]

Trivia[ | ]

  • Before the introduction of vaulting from Season 2, all of Season 6 (Legacy)'s initial rounds have been temporarily removed at least once:
    • Full Tilt was removed during Season 6 (Legacy) to fix an exploit, and again during Season 2 due to "performance issues". During Season 3, it was removed (vaulted) from every show.
    • Pipe Dream was removed during Season 1 due to a trapeze issue.
    • Airtime was removed during the middle of Season 1 and Season 2 due to a scoring issue, and vaulted in Season 4, before being added back in the Summer Breeze Update.
    • Leading Light was absent for the entire duration of Season 1, and removed again during the middle of Season 2 due to "performance issues".
    • Party Promenade was removed during Season 2 due to "performance issues".
  • Ironically, after the introduction of vaulting, as of the Summer Breeze Update, this was the first season to have all of its initial rounds unvaulted. However, with the vaulting of Party Promenade and Pipe Dream, and Sweet Thieves being removed from customs later, this season no longer has all of its round available, and now Season 4 (Legacy) and Season 5 (Legacy) have.
  • This is the last season where every round that existed at the time was available in regular shows at some point.
    • In Season 1, Leading Light was missing for the entire season due to performance issues.
    • Season 2 introduced the vaulting system for rounds, however some vaulted rounds were still available in limited-time shows, but Sum Fruit and Bean Hill Zone were not featured in any shows during the season, except for Custom Show.
    • Season 3 has expanded the vaulting system to limited-time modes and Custom Show as well, so none of the vaulted rounds were available at all.
  • Season 6 (Legacy) is the last Season to use the original Round Presentation music, the only exception of Bean Hill Zone being introduced as part of a collaboration.
  • Season 6 (Legacy) is the only season not to introduce a new DLC Pack, instead using the ones from Season 5 (Legacy).
  • Season 6 (Legacy) is the longest lasting season, being nearly 50 days longer than the second-longest season (Season 3). It is 49 days longer, or 7 weeks.

References[ | ]
