Fall Guys: Ultimate Knockout Wiki
Fall Guys: Ultimate Knockout Wiki

Season 5, nicknamed Jungle Adventure and commonly abbreviated as S5 or LS5, was the fifth Season of Fall Guys. It began after Season 4 (Legacy) ended on 20 July 2021. It ended on 30 November 2021, and was followed by Season 6 (Legacy).

Background Information[ | ]

The Jungle Adventure theme of this season was revealed via a jigsaw puzzle on 13 July 2021.[1] Further details were announced in a "Big Streamus" livestream on 19 July 2021,[2] including the full fame pass, Squads Duos and Squads Trios and two new rounds[3]. Later that day, the patch notes got published which unveiled Limited Time Events and the remaining four rounds[4].

New changes introduced in Season 5[ | ]

Fame totals for the fame path were tweaked to be slightly higher relative to Season 4 (Legacy).

On 31 August 2021, a new update was released, dubbed "5.Fun"[5]. It introduced level variations to many rounds.

Another update was released on 5 October 2021, with the game featuring a revamped user interface. Bots for new players were also quietly introduced; these bots would only appear if all other players in the lobby were new, and are programmed to always drop out before the Final.[6] As a consequence, only certain rounds can be selected if bots are present in the game (and the same round can be selected multiple times in a show); this includes, but is not limited to, Door Dash, Gate Crash, Knight Fever, Perfect Match, Roll Out, and Ski Fall.

New Rounds[ | ]

6 new rounds were initially added to the game. Sum Fruit was added later during the "5.Fun" mid-season update, the first new Logic round since Perfect Match.

Splash BubbleTrouble
Bubble Trouble
Splash LilyLeapers
Lily Leapers
Splash LostTemple
Lost Temple
Splash PegwinPoolParty
Pegwin Pool Party
Splash StompinGround
Stompin' Ground
Splash TreetopTumble
Treetop Tumble
Splash SumFruit
Sum Fruit

Other Changes[ | ]

  • The player no longer can rotate the camera and turn on/off player tags before the round starts. (It is still possible in round 1) This was confirmed to be a bug before being hot-fixed on 5 August 2021.
  • In some Season 5 rounds, while introducing sound plays, the sound stops earlier. (It still plays in round 1) This was confirmed to be a bug before being hot-fixed on 5 August 2021. As of Season 3, this still happens in rounds such as Pegwin Pool Party and Stompin' Ground.

List of Fame Path Rewards[ | ]

Fame Path Rewards
Level Reward Reward Type Total Fame Fame to next Level
1 None UI currency fame 1080p 0 UI currency fame 1080p 40
2 Treasure Charter Costume Upper UI currency fame 1080p 40 UI currency fame 1080p 50
3 UI currency crowns 1080p 1 Crowns UI currency fame 1080p 90 UI currency fame 1080p 60
4 Adventure! Pattern UI currency fame 1080p 150 UI currency fame 1080p 80
5 Treasure Charter Costume Lower UI currency fame 1080p 230 UI currency fame 1080p 110
6 Alpaca My Bags! Colour UI currency fame 1080p 340 UI currency fame 1080p 140
7 UI currency kudos 1080p 1000 Kudos UI currency fame 1080p 480 UI currency fame 1080p 190
8 Tropical Tree Costume Lower UI currency fame 1080p 670 UI currency fame 1080p 260
9 UI currency crowns 1080p 1 Crowns UI currency fame 1080p 930 UI currency fame 1080p 330
10 Adventure! Banner UI currency fame 1080p 1260 UI currency fame 1080p 420
11 Tropical Tree Costume Upper UI currency fame 1080p 1680 UI currency fame 1080p 500
12 Stonework Pattern UI currency fame 1080p 2180 UI currency fame 1080p 590
13 Dromedary Pioneer Costume Lower UI currency fame 1080p 2770 UI currency fame 1080p 660
14 UI currency crowns 1080p 2 Crowns UI currency fame 1080p 3430 UI currency fame 1080p 730
15 It's Elementary Colour UI currency fame 1080p 4160 UI currency fame 1080p 750
16 Dromedary Pioneer Costume Upper UI currency fame 1080p 4910 UI currency fame 1080p 770
17 UI currency kudos 1080p 1000 Kudos UI currency fame 1080p 5680 UI currency fame 1080p 790
18 Rhino Tamer Nickname UI currency fame 1080p 6470 UI currency fame 1080p 810
19 UI currency crowns 1080p 2 Crowns UI currency fame 1080p 7280 UI currency fame 1080p 830
20 Safari Colour UI currency fame 1080p 8110 UI currency fame 1080p 850
21 Guy Spelunky Costume Lower UI currency fame 1080p 8960 UI currency fame 1080p 870
22 UI currency kudos 1080p 3500 Kudos UI currency fame 1080p 9830 UI currency fame 1080p 880
23 Treasure Map Banner UI currency fame 1080p 10710 UI currency fame 1080p 890
24 Spelunker Nickname UI currency fame 1080p 11600 UI currency fame 1080p 900
25 UI currency crowns 1080p 3 Crowns UI currency fame 1080p 12500 UI currency fame 1080p 900
26 Guy Spelunky Costume Upper UI currency fame 1080p 13400 UI currency fame 1080p 900
27 UI currency kudos 1080p 3500 Kudos UI currency fame 1080p 14300 UI currency fame 1080p 900
28 Ancient Glyphs Pattern UI currency fame 1080p 15200 UI currency fame 1080p 900
29 Dynamic Duo Nickname UI currency fame 1080p 16100 UI currency fame 1080p 900
30 UI currency crowns 1080p 3 Crowns UI currency fame 1080p 17000 UI currency fame 1080p 900
31 Lemon Lookout Banner UI currency fame 1080p 17900 UI currency fame 1080p 900
32 Cavalier Costume Lower UI currency fame 1080p 18800 UI currency fame 1080p 900
33 UI currency kudos 1080p 5000 Kudos UI currency fame 1080p 19700 UI currency fame 1080p 900
34 Snake Eyes Faceplate UI currency fame 1080p 20600 UI currency fame 1080p 900
35 Hairy Pattern UI currency fame 1080p 21500 UI currency fame 1080p 900
36 Cavalier Costume Upper UI currency fame 1080p 22400 UI currency fame 1080p 900
37 UI currency crowns 1080p 5 Crowns UI currency fame 1080p 23300 UI currency fame 1080p 900
38 Fleet Admiral Nickname UI currency fame 1080p 24200 UI currency fame 1080p 900
39 Scourge of the Seas Costume Lower UI currency fame 1080p 25100 UI currency fame 1080p 900
40 Let's Mosey! Colour UI currency fame 1080p 26000 UI currency fame 1080p 900
41 Scourge of the Seas Banner UI currency fame 1080p 26900 UI currency fame 1080p 900
42 Scourge of the Seas Costume Upper UI currency fame 1080p 27800 UI currency fame 1080p 900
43 UI currency kudos 1080p 5000 Kudos UI currency fame 1080p 28700 UI currency fame 1080p 900
44 Mummy Walk Emote UI currency fame 1080p 29600 UI currency fame 1080p 900
45 UI currency crowns 1080p 5 Crowns UI currency fame 1080p 30500 UI currency fame 1080p 900
46 Djinn Costume Lower UI currency fame 1080p 31400 UI currency fame 1080p 900
47 UI currency kudos 1080p 5000 Kudos UI currency fame 1080p 32300 UI currency fame 1080p 900
48 Sun Deity Pattern UI currency fame 1080p 33200 UI currency fame 1080p 900
49 Siren Colour UI currency fame 1080p 34100 UI currency fame 1080p 900
50 Djinn Costume Upper UI currency fame 1080p 35000

Trivia[ | ]

  • This is the first season not to add any new Team games to the show roster.
  • This is the last season to use the old UI.
  • This is currently the last season to have a mid-season update adding new (permanent) variations to rounds, as well as a dedicated Mix it Up! show introducing the new variants.
    • Season 1 and Season 2 both added new variations at launch rather than at a mid-season update, but neither of them featured a Mix it Up! show. Season 1 variations were mostly easy variations for new players, removing existing obstacles. The Season 2 variations were exclusive to core shows during that season, which only featured the new variations for rounds that received new ones, similar to the Mix it Up! show, however there were also rounds that received no new variants. As of Season 3, these Season 2 variations are no longer available.
    • Season 2 also featured new Wormhole variations halfway through the season, however these variants were exclusive to the Wormhole Wanderers event and were later removed. There was no dedicated Mix it Up! show for them either.
    • Season 6 (Legacy) and Season 1 also featured event-exclusive variations near the start of those seasons, such as the Aloy's Blaze Canister Mayhem, Spartan Showdown and Clan of Yeetus variations. The last two would later return as limited-time shows.
  • It is also speculated that there were 100+ variations of rounds were introduced in the 5.Fun update.

Gallery[ | ]

Videos[ | ]

Cinematic Trailer[ | ]

Gameplay Trailer[ | ]

Fame Path Trailer[ | ]

Season 5.Fun Update Trailer[ | ]

References[ | ]
