Fall Guys: Ultimate Knockout Wiki
This page is about the first season. For the seventh season, see Season 1.

Season 1, nicknamed Ultimate Knockout and commonly abbreviated as S1 or LS1, was the first Season of Fall Guys. It began on 4 August 2020 and ended on 8 October 2020.[1]

On 12 August 2020, Jump Showdown was re-introduced from the closed beta. On 15 September 2020, a big mid-season update a new anti-cheat system was implemented and changes in various obstacles in multiple Rounds. This included the newly added Big Yeetus! For further details, each round's article shows the changes that were added.

Season 2 (Legacy) followed directly after Season 1 ended.

List of Rounds[ | ]

Splash Block Party
Block Party
Splash Rotatonator
Dizzy Heights
Splash Door Dash
Door Dash
Splash Egg Scramble
Egg Scramble
Splash FallBall
Fall Ball
Splash Fall Mountain
Fall Mountain
Splash FruitChute
Fruit Chute
Splash Gate Crash
Gate Crash
Splash Hex-A-Gone
Splash Gauntlet
Hit Parade
Splash Hoarders
Splash HoopsieDaisy
Hoopsie Daisy
Splash Jinxed
Splash JumpClub New
Jump Club
Splash Jump Showdown
Jump Showdown
Splash Perfect Match
Perfect Match
Splash RockandRoll
Rock 'n' Roll
Splash Roll Out
Roll Out
Splash Royal Fumble
Royal Fumble
Splash SeeSaw
See Saw
Splash FloorIsLava
Slime Climb
Splash TailTag
Tail Tag
Splash TeamTailTag
Team Tail Tag
Splash The Whirlygig
The Whirlygig
Splash Tip Toe
Tip Toe

List of Fame Path Rewards[ | ]

Fame Path Rewards
Level Reward Reward Type Total Fame Fame to next Level
1 None UI currency fame 1080p 0 UI currency fame 1080p 160
2 UI currency kudos 1080p 500 Kudos UI currency fame 1080p 160 UI currency fame 1080p 200
3 Bubblegum Colour UI currency fame 1080p 360 UI currency fame 1080p 210
4 Cells Pattern UI currency fame 1080p 570 UI currency fame 1080p 230
5 UI currency crowns 1080p 1 Crowns UI currency fame 1080p 800 UI currency fame 1080p 270
6 Pigeon Costume Lower UI currency fame 1080p 1070 UI currency fame 1080p 290
7 Raspberry Colour UI currency fame 1080p 1360 UI currency fame 1080p 320
8 Squiggly Camo Pattern UI currency fame 1080p 1680 UI currency fame 1080p 320
9 Pigeon Costume Upper UI currency fame 1080p 2000 UI currency fame 1080p 380
10 UI currency kudos 1080p 1000 Kudos UI currency fame 1080p 2380 UI currency fame 1080p 370
11 Coo-ey! Emote UI currency fame 1080p 2750 UI currency fame 1080p 450
12 Topology Pattern UI currency fame 1080p 3200 UI currency fame 1080p 450
13 Rookie Costume Lower UI currency fame 1080p 3650 UI currency fame 1080p 450
14 UI currency kudos 1080p 1500 Kudos UI currency fame 1080p 4100 UI currency fame 1080p 500
15 Citrus Blast Colour UI currency fame 1080p 4600 UI currency fame 1080p 500
16 Rookie Costume Upper UI currency fame 1080p 5100 UI currency fame 1080p 600
17 Yeller Faceplate UI currency fame 1080p 5700 UI currency fame 1080p 500
18 UI currency kudos 1080p 2500 Kudos UI currency fame 1080p 6200 UI currency fame 1080p 600
19 Hot Dog Costume Upper UI currency fame 1080p 6800 UI currency fame 1080p 600
20 UI currency crowns 1080p 1 Crowns UI currency fame 1080p 7400 UI currency fame 1080p 600
21 Steel Colour UI currency fame 1080p 8000 UI currency fame 1080p 700
22 Hot Dog Costume Lower UI currency fame 1080p 8700 UI currency fame 1080p 700
23 UI currency kudos 1080p 3500 Kudos UI currency fame 1080p 9400 UI currency fame 1080p 700
24 Rainbow Water Colour UI currency fame 1080p 10100 UI currency fame 1080p 700
25 Chicken Costume Lower UI currency fame 1080p 10800 UI currency fame 1080p 800
26 Paint Dipped Pattern UI currency fame 1080p 11600 UI currency fame 1080p 800
27 Night Sky Colour UI currency fame 1080p 12400 UI currency fame 1080p 800
28 Chicken Costume Upper UI currency fame 1080p 13200 UI currency fame 1080p 800
29 UI currency kudos 1080p 4500 Kudos UI currency fame 1080p 14000 UI currency fame 1080p 800
30 Pirate Jig Emote UI currency fame 1080p 14800 UI currency fame 1080p 1000
31 Hunter Pattern UI currency fame 1080p 15800 UI currency fame 1080p 1200
32 UI currency crowns 1080p 1 Crowns UI currency fame 1080p 17000 UI currency fame 1080p 1400
33 Cavebean Hunter Costume Lower UI currency fame 1080p 18400 UI currency fame 1080p 1600
34 Ocean Dreams Colour UI currency fame 1080p 20000 UI currency fame 1080p 1800
35 Baby Blue Faceplate UI currency fame 1080p 21800 UI currency fame 1080p 2000
36 Cavebean Hunter Costume Upper UI currency fame 1080p 23800 UI currency fame 1080p 2200
37 Zebra Stripes Pattern UI currency fame 1080p 26000 UI currency fame 1080p 2500
38 UI currency kudos 1080p 6000 Kudos UI currency fame 1080p 28500 UI currency fame 1080p 3000
39 Pirate Pattern UI currency fame 1080p 31500 UI currency fame 1080p 3500
40 Jack in a Box Celebration UI currency fame 1080p 35000

Gallery[ | ]

Artwork[ | ]

Videos[ | ]

Reveal Gameplay Trailer[ | ]

Release Date Announcement Trailer[ | ]

Trivia[ | ]

  • Strangely, the Fall Guys ran the first round in this season's cinematic trailer, Hit Parade, backwards.
  • As of Season 4, this season is the shortest-lasting season, with it being 3 days shorter than the second-shortest seasons (ironically being Season 2 (Legacy) & Season 2).
  • As of the Winter Update, Block Party is the only Season 1 (Legacy) level to remain vaulted from the game.

References[ | ]
