Fall Guys: Ultimate Knockout Wiki

Nicknames are one of the customization options available in Fall Guys. Below is a list of all nicknames available in the game, starting with Season 1 (Legacy).

Nickname customization was introduced in Season 2 (Legacy).

Season 1 (Legacy)[ | ]

Main article: Season 1 (Legacy)
Nickname Rarity Unlocked By

Season 2 (Legacy)[ | ]

Main article: Season 2 (Legacy)
Nickname Rarity Unlocked By
Baked BeanUNCOMMONUI currency kudos 1080p 300
Best BeanCOMMONUI currency kudos 1080p 200
Big YeetedUNCOMMONUI currency kudos 1080p 300
Block StarCOMMONUI currency kudos 1080p 200
Class ClownCOMMONUI currency kudos 1080p 200
Clutch LegendUNCOMMONUI currency kudos 1080p 300
Cool BeanCOMMONUI currency kudos 1080p 200
Crown SurferUNCOMMONUI currency kudos 1080p 300
Dedicated DonutUNCOMMONUI currency kudos 1080p 300
Diving DivaCOMMONUI currency kudos 1080p 200
FallhallaCOMMONUI currency kudos 1080p 200
Filthy RichUNCOMMONUI currency kudos 1080p 300
Follow MeCOMMONUI currency kudos 1080p 200
Free HugsCOMMONUI currency kudos 1080p 200
Full of BeansCOMMONUI currency kudos 1080p 200
GoalieCOMMONUI currency kudos 1080p 200
Good EggCOMMONUI currency kudos 1080p 200
GrabberCOMMONUI currency kudos 1080p 200
Hex-a-godCOMMONUI currency kudos 1080p 200
Hoop HotshotCOMMONPurchasing the Oni Oh My Kit
Knight to RememberUNCOMMON?
Middle Path MasterCOMMONUI currency kudos 1080p 200
Mischief MakerCOMMONUI currency kudos 1080p 200
On a RollCOMMONUI currency kudos 1080p 200
Pack LeaderUNCOMMONUI currency kudos 1080p 300
Parkour!COMMONUI currency kudos 1080p 200
Pro Slime ClimberCOMMON?
Risk TakerCOMMONUI currency kudos 1080p 200
See-saurus RexUNCOMMONUI currency kudos 1080p 300
See-Saw SaboteurCOMMON?
See-Saw SuperstarCOMMONUI currency kudos 1080p 200
Sir Hugs A LotUNCOMMONUI currency kudos 1080p 300
Smoothie OperatorUNCOMMONUI currency kudos 1080p 300
Stay AwayCOMMONUI currency kudos 1080p 200
TailblazerCOMMONPurchasing the Esper Antics Kit
Tiny TumblerCOMMONPurchasing the Sweet 'N' Sparkly Bundle
Top ScorerCOMMONUI currency kudos 1080p 200
TryhardCOMMONUI currency kudos 1080p 200
Trying Their BestCOMMONUI currency kudos 1080p 200
Yolk HeroUNCOMMONUI currency kudos 1080p 300

Season 3 (Legacy)[ | ]

Main article: Season 3 (Legacy)
Nickname Rarity Unlocked By
Penguin PalCOMMONUI currency kudos 1080p 200
Snowball SurvivorCOMMONUI currency kudos 1080p 200
Staying FrostyCOMMONUI currency kudos 1080p 200
Winter WaddlerCOMMONUI currency kudos 1080p 200

Season 4 (Legacy)[ | ]

Main article: Season 4 (Legacy)
Nickname Rarity Unlocked By
1.21 GigabeansUNCOMMONUI currency kudos 1080p 300
Amped UpCOMMONUI currency kudos 1080p 200
Circuit BreakerCOMMONUI currency kudos 1080p 200
Dream TeamCOMMONUI currency kudos 1080p 200
Power GrabberCOMMONUI currency kudos 1080p 200
Squad GoalsCOMMONUI currency kudos 1080p 200
Star-StruckCOMMONUI currency kudos 1080p 200
Watch ThisCOMMONUI currency kudos 1080p 200

Season 5 (Legacy)[ | ]

Main article: Season 5 (Legacy)
Nickname Rarity Unlocked By
Bean ExploringUNCOMMONUI currency kudos 1080p 300
Dynamic DuoCOMMON?
Fleet AdmiralCOMMONUI currency kudos 1080p 200
Flume with a ViewUNCOMMONUI currency kudos 1080p 300
I Hate SnakesCOMMONUI currency kudos 1080p 200
Making a SplashCOMMONUI currency kudos 1080p 200
Rhino TamerCOMMON?
Rockhoppin' MadUNCOMMONUI currency kudos 1080p 300

Season 6 (Legacy)[ | ]

Main article: Season 6 (Legacy)
Nickname Rarity Unlocked By
Fall Like A Butterfly...EVENT?
Heart of the PartyUNCOMMONUI currency kudos 1080p 300
Light LeaderCOMMONUI currency kudos 1080p 200
Party BeanimalUNCOMMON?
Party StarterCOMMONUI currency kudos 1080p 200
Pipe DreamerCOMMONUI currency kudos 1080p 200
Promenade Party GoerCOMMONUI currency kudos 1080p 200
Soirees SovereignCOMMONUI currency kudos 1080p 200
The Pumpkin KingSPECIALPurchasing the Jack & Sally Bundle
UFO EnthusiastCOMMONUI currency kudos 1080p 200

Season 1[ | ]

Main article: Season 1
Nickname Rarity Unlocked By
¡No contaban con mi astucia!SPECIALPurchasing the El Chapulín Colorado Bundle
Air Time AceCOMMONUI currency kudos 1080p 200
BBQ MasterCOMMONUI currency kudos 1080p 200
BenchwarmerUNCOMMONReaching free level 24 in the Season 1 Season Pass
Big SleetusUNCOMMONUI currency kudos 1080p 300
BlastballerCOMMONUI currency kudos 1080p 200
CLUB FGCOMMONUI currency kudos 1080p 200
Eggspert ThiefUNCOMMONUI currency kudos 1080p 300
Elf TaughtUNCOMMONUI currency kudos 1080p 300
Floor GuyUNCOMMONUI currency kudos 1080p 300
Free FallingEPICObtaining the Legacy Pack
Going For GoldCOMMONUI currency kudos 1080p 200
House of AuditoreSPECIALReaching free level 8 in the Season 1 Season Pass
Ice BreakerUNCOMMONUI currency kudos 1080p 300
Jungle JapesSPECIALPurchasing the Jungle Book Bundle
Jungle VIPUNCOMMONUI currency kudos 1080p 300
Keeping MummyCOMMONUI currency kudos 1080p 200
MeowgicalSPECIALPurchasing the Pusheen Bundle
Not the FastestUNCOMMONReaching free level 78 in the Season 1 Season Pass
Queen of the MonstersSPECIALPurchasing the Kaiju King Bundle
Running JokeCOMMONUI currency kudos 1080p 200
SnowstopperUNCOMMONUI currency kudos 1080p 300
Speed ChampUNCOMMONReaching free level 55 in the Season 1 Season Pass
Sporty StumblerCOMMONPurchasing the Raceday Rosie Kit
Swivel StarCOMMONReaching free level 30 in the Season 1 Season Pass
Technological TerrorSPECIALReaching free level 97 in the Season 1 Season Pass
Tip Toe TumblerUNCOMMONPurchasing the Sombrero Snackfest Kit
Top Three GuaranteeUNCOMMONReaching free level 39 in the Season 1 Season Pass
Unidentified Falling ObjectCOMMONUI currency kudos 1080p 200

Season 2[ | ]

Main article: Season 2
Nickname Rarity Unlocked By
A Muddled MagicianSPECIALPurchasing the Magic Maulers Bundle
AstrobeanUNCOMMONPurchasing the Spacetime Specialist Kit
Bean-117SPECIALPurchasing the Spartan Bundle
BLUNDERLANDSPECIALReaching free level 93 in the Season 2 Season Pass
Definitely Not an ImpostorSPECIALPurchasing the Young Sprout Bundle
Defying GravityUNCOMMONReaching free level 80 in the Season 2 Season Pass
Don't Cross the StreamsSPECIALPurchasing the Slime Puft Bundle
EXTERMINATESPECIALPurchasing the Doctor Dalek Bundle
Falling StarUNCOMMONPurchasing the Doge Kit
Feeling PunchySPECIALPurchasing the Ghost Gadget Bundle
Four of EightSPECIALReaching free level 42 in the Season 2 Season Pass
Hex-A-TerrestrialUNCOMMONReaching free level 66 in the Season 2 Season Pass
Holo HopperUNCOMMONPurchasing the Exoplanet Explorer Kit
I am not niceSPECIALPurchasing the Skeletor's Stash Bundle
ImzadiSPECIALPurchasing the Boldly Going Bundle
Interesting… but sillySPECIALPurchasing the Masters of the Blunderdome Bundle
Milky WayfarerUNCOMMONPurchasing the Octalien Outsiders Kit
MoonwalkerCOMMONUI currency kudos 1080p 200
Never CourageousSPECIALPurchasing the Magic Maulers Bundle
Nifty RifterSPECIALPurchasing the Ghost Gadget Bundle
Out of This WorldCOMMONUI currency kudos 1080p 200
Qapla!SPECIALPurchasing the Worf's Warrior Bundle
Reaching for the StarsCOMMONUI currency kudos 1080p 200
RipleySPECIALPurchasing the Ripley's Roundup Bundle
Sound of the FutureSPECIALPurchasing the Miku's Blunderland Bundle
Space BeanCOMMONUI currency kudos 1080p 200
Space RacerCOMMONUI currency kudos 1080p 200
The BohemianSPECIALPurchasing the Regeneration Bundle
The Power of GrayskullSPECIALPurchasing the Masters of the Blunderdome Bundle
Totally Reliable CrewmateSPECIALPurchasing the Eggscellent Bundle
Triple Jump TacticianSPECIALPurchasing the Lightbearer Bundle
Tubby TabbySPECIALPurchasing the Sleepysaurus Bundle
Welcome to the Fam!SPECIALPurchasing the Doctor Dalek Bundle
XenomorphSPECIALReaching free level 10 in the Season 2 Season Pass

Season 3[ | ]

Main article: Season 3
Nickname Rarity Unlocked By
←→ PUNCHSPECIALPurchasing the Brawler Duo Bundle
→↓↘ PUNCHSPECIALPurchasing the Cammy & Akuma Bundle
↓↑ KICKSPECIALPurchasing the Brawler Duo Bundle
↓↘→ KICKSPECIALPurchasing the Cammy & Akuma Bundle
↓↘→ PUNCHSPECIALPurchasing the Ryu's Bundle
Anchors Aweigh!COMMONReaching free level 31 in the Season 3 Season Pass
Are crowns an instrument?SPECIALPurchasing the BFFs Bundle
Art thou feeling it now?SPECIALReaching free level 94 in the Season 3 Season Pass
Atomic ChampionSPECIALPurchasing the Invincible Bundle
Beached BeanCOMMONUI currency kudos 1080p 200
Beautiful BlobCOMMONReaching free level 71 in the Season 3 Season Pass
Big CatchCOMMONReaching free level 57 in the Season 3 Season Pass
Build a Bella BeanSPECIALPurchasing the Bella Poarch Bundle
Can't SwimCOMMONUI currency kudos 1080p 200
Crew CaptainCOMMONUI currency kudos 1080p 200
Deep Sea DiverCOMMONUI currency kudos 1080p 200
Earth's Next DefenderSPECIALPurchasing the Invincible Bundle
Fish Out of WaterCOMMONPurchasing the Big Catch Kit
Gull-ibleCOMMONReaching free level 18 in the Season 3 Season Pass
Head in the SandCOMMONPurchasing the Sandcastle Stash Bundle
Here lies my hopes and dreamsSPECIALPurchasing the Krusty Krab Collection
I want to talk about BrunoSPECIALPurchasing the Bruno Bundle
Keen AnglerUNCOMMONReaching free level 88 in the Season 3 Season Pass
Lost City LegendCOMMONReaching free level 6 in the Season 3 Season Pass
Mean GreenSPECIALPurchasing the Great Big Grinch Bundle
Part of Family MadrigalSPECIALPurchasing the Mirabel Bundle
Playing for FunCOMMONUI currency kudos 1080p 200
Playing to WinCOMMONUI currency kudos 1080p 200
S.O.S.COMMONUI currency kudos 1080p 200
Satellite SaviourUNCOMMONPurchasing the Lucky Escape Kit
Share the LoveCOMMONUI currency kudos 1080p 200
Silent FanCOMMONUI currency kudos 1080p 200
Siren of the SeaCOMMONPurchasing the Lost Mermaid Kit
Slime SwimmerCOMMONUI currency kudos 1080p 200
Sorry in AdvanceCOMMONUI currency kudos 1080p 200
This is a load of barnacles..SPECIALPurchasing the BFFs Bundle
Ultraman FactorSPECIALReaching free level 48 in the Season 3 Season Pass
Unique UnicornUNCOMMONPurchasing the Unicorn Riders Kit
Viltrumite WarriorSPECIALPurchasing the Omni-Man Bundle
Wintery WonderbeanCOMMONPurchasing the Seasonal Sweaters Bundle
Won't crack under pressureSPECIALPurchasing the Luisa Bundle

Season 4[ | ]

Main article: Season 4
Nickname Rarity Unlocked By
Five Apples TallSPECIALPurchasing the Season 4 Fame Pass 1
Gadget Cat From the FutureSPECIALPurchasing the Doraemon Delights Bundle
Heir to Croft ManorSPECIALReaching free level 10 in the Season 4 Fame Pass 2
It’s bigger on the inside…SPECIALPurchasing the TARDIS Bundle
PAC-MAN PALSPECIALPurchasing the Inky Bundle
Timey-Wimey StuffSPECIALPurchasing the Timey Wimey Special Bundle
Tomorrow is in Your HandsSPECIALReaching free level 10 in the Season 4 Fame Pass 3
Ultra BrotherSPECIALPurchasing the Proto Power Bundle
Waka WakaSPECIALPurchasing the PAC-MAN bundle
You will be upgraded!SPECIALPurchasing the Timey Wimey Special Bundle

Summer Breeze Update[ | ]

Main article: Summer Breeze Update
Nickname Rarity Unlocked By
An Ordinary Krabby PattySPECIALPurchasing the Nautical Nonsense Bundle
Chillin' Like VillainsSPECIALPurchasing the Foot Clan Flunkies Bundle
Defender of EorzeaSPECIALReaching free level 21 in the Warriors of Light Fame Pass
Employee of the MonthSPECIALClaiming it for free in the shop when the Nautical Nonsense Bundle is available
FallingwaySPECIALReaching paid level 50 in the Warriors of Light Fame Pass
Hero in a Half ShellSPECIALPurchasing the Half-Shell Heroes Bundle
Immortal FlamesSPECIALReaching free level 2 in the Warriors of Light Fame Pass
MaelstromSPECIALReaching free level 32 in the Warriors of Light Fame Pass
Ninja in TrainingSPECIALPurchasing the Mean Green Turtle Team Bundle
Order of the Twin AdderSPECIALReaching free level 15 in the Warriors of Light Fame Pass
Scion of the Seventh DawnSPECIALReaching free level 12 in the Warriors of Light Fame Pass
Sewer SquadSPECIALUI GemCurrency Image 50
Turtle Power!SPECIALPurchasing the Mean Green Turtle Team Bundle
Wanna Pizza This?!SPECIALPurchasing the Half-Shell Heroes Bundle
Warrior of DarknessSPECIALReaching paid level 70 in the Warriors of Light Fame Pass
Warrior of LightSPECIALPurchasing the Warriors of Light Fame Pass

Fall Force Update[ | ]

Main article: Fall Force Update
Nickname Rarity Unlocked By
BeastmasterCOMMONReaching free level 10 in the Trick or Yeet Fame Pass
Falling with styleSPECIALPurchasing the Big Buzz Bundle
I am a toy!SPECIALPurchasing the Woody's Roundup Bundle

Tool Up Update[ | ]

Main article: Tool Up Update
Nickname Rarity Unlocked By
Dairy FarmerCOMMONReaching free level 10 in the Fabulous Feast Fame Pass

Power Party Update[ | ]

Main article: Power Party Update
Nickname Rarity Unlocked By
Pegwin PursuerCOMMONReaching free level 10 in the Winter Blunderland Fame Pass
Silly GooseCOMMONReaching free level 10 in the Scales & Tails Fame Pass

Shapes and Stickers Update[ | ]

The Shapes and Stickers Update had no new nicknames.

Survival Update[ | ]

Main article: Survival Update
Nickname Rarity Unlocked By
Bouncing BackCOMMONReaching free level 2 in the Fame Pass March '24
Up to MischiefUNCOMMONReaching free level 27 in the Fame Pass March '24

Fall Forever Update[ | ]

Main article: Fall Forever Update
Nickname Rarity Unlocked By
Busy ExploringCOMMONReaching free level 31 in the Fame Pass May '24
Forging ForwardsCOMMONReaching free level 11 in the Fame Pass May '24
Godzilla SpiritSPECIALPurchasing the Kiryu Collection Bundle
Incredi-beanSPECIALPurchasing the Incredible Showdown Bundle
It’s a trap!SPECIALPurchasing the The Empire’s Villains Bundle
Jedi KnightSPECIALPurchasing the Space Smugglers Bundle
No Capes!SPECIALPurchasing the Cool, no capes! Bundle
The Greater GoodSPECIALPurchasing the Cool, no capes! Bundle

June '24 Update[ | ]

Main article: June '24 Update
Nickname Rarity Unlocked By
Casting SpellsCOMMONReaching free level 11 in the Fame Pass June '24
God of ThunderSPECIALPurchasing the Love and Thunder Bundle
Hoarding TreasureUNCOMMONReaching free level 31 in the Fame Pass June '24
Hulk SMASH!SPECIALPurchasing the Gamma Ray Grabs Bundle
I can do this all daySPECIALPurchasing the Avengers Assemble Bundle
Let's Bring the RainbowSPECIALPurchasing the Love and Thunder Bundle

July '24 Update[ | ]

Main article: July '24 Update
Nickname Rarity Unlocked By
Always a bigger fishSPECIALPurchasing the Phantom Heroes Bundle
Always on timeCOMMONReaching free level 11 in the Fame Pass July '24
Hear me roar!UNCOMMONReaching free level 31 in the Fame Pass July '24
Mindful of the futureSPECIALPurchasing the Phantom Force Bundle
Nobody gets left behindSPECIALPurchasing the Experiment 626 Bundle

Scrapyard Stumble Update[ | ]

Nickname Rarity Unlocked By
Feeling Fantastic!COMMONReaching free level 11 in the Fame Pass September '24
SkirmisherUNCOMMONReaching free level 31 in the Fame Pass September '24
SpideySPECIALPurchasing the Spidey Spectacular Bundle
We are VenomSPECIALPurchasing the Bean are Venom Bundle

Falloween 2024 Update[ | ]

Main article: Falloween 2024 Update
Nickname Rarity Unlocked By
Boo!!!UNCOMMONReaching free level 31 in the Fame Pass October '24
Miniature MonsterCOMMONReaching free level 11 in the Fame Pass October '24
My Cabbages!SPECIALPurchasing the The Last Airbender Bundle
Yip Yip!SPECIALPurchasing the The Last Airbender Bundle

November '24 Update[ | ]

Main article: November '24 Update
Nickname Rarity Unlocked By
Always WatchingSPECIALPurchasing the Scare Floor Rivals Bundle
Best ScarerSPECIALPurchasing the Monsters, Inc. Mayhem Bundle
Guardian of the GalaxySPECIALPurchasing the Protect the Cosmos Bundle
I am GrootSPECIALPurchasing the Intergalactic Outlaws Bundle
Lost in a StoryCOMMONReaching free level 11 in the Fame Pass November '24

Winter Update[ | ]

Main article: Winter Update
Nickname Rarity Unlocked By
Core MemoriesSPECIALPurchasing the Complex Feelings Bundle
Here for the FoodSPECIALPurchasing the Gonzo and Rizzo Bundle
Howdy!COMMONReaching free level 11 in the Fame Pass December '24
Too Sad to WalkSPECIALPurchasing the Bundle of Emotions Bundle
Who, moi?SPECIALPurchasing the Kermit and Miss Piggy Bundle

Fall and Mastery Update[ | ]

Main article: Fall and Mastery Update
Nickname Rarity Unlocked By
Hunting DragonsCOMMONReaching free level 11 in the Fame Pass February '25

Crown Rank[ | ]

Main article: Crown Rank
Nickname Rarity Required Crowns
Bouncy BeanCOMMONUI currency crowns 1080p 5
Just PeachyUNCOMMONUI currency crowns 1080p 13
Peak PerformerRAREUI currency crowns 1080p 63
Dressed to ChillRAREUI currency crowns 1080p 219
The Biggest FanEPICUI currency crowns 1080p 389
Jolly BeanEPICUI currency crowns 1080p 794
BarnstormerEPICUI currency crowns 1080p 2439

Live Events[ | ]

Main article: Live Event
Nickname Rarity Cost Live Event
All fired up!EVENTUi-icon-token-screw-flame 100Ultimate Scrap (Scrapyard Stumble Update)
Animus TraineeSPECIALUi-icon-sweet-token 100Abstergo's Challenge (Season 1)
AstroSPECIALClaiming the June 2023 drop on PlayStation PlusSweet Thieves Challenge (Season 6 (Legacy))
Becoming a LegendEVENTUi-icon-token-coin-stone 100The Legend of Stonebeak (November '24 Update)
Can't scare me!EVENTUi-icon-halloween-token 100Bonechill Bob's Boo-tique (Falloween 2024 Update)
CastawayEVENTUi-icon-generic-token 100Lobstar League (Lobstar) (Season 3)
Clan of YeetusEVENTUi-liveevents-clanofyeetus-token 100The Yeetus Clan Trials (Season 1)
Coin CollectorEVENTUi-liveevents-ancient-coin-token 100The Coin Quest (Season 3)
Cupid's little helperEVENTWinning any game during the Fallentines Mastery Challenge EventFallentines Mastery (Fall and Fantasy Update)
Digi-triallingEVENTUi-icon-generic-token 200The Digi-Trials/Marble Idol (Season 4)
Elite Bean TeamEVENTUi-icon-generic-token 200The Digi-Trials/Whizzkid (Season 4)
ExtraterrestrialEVENTWinning any game during the Fall-O-Ween Mastery Challenge EventFall-O-Ween Mastery (Falloween 2024 Update)
Fabled to WinEVENTWinning any game during the Mythical Mastery Challenge EventMythical Mastery (November '24 Update)
Fall Fest FanaticEVENT?Fall Festival Challenge (Season 5 (Legacy))
Fall-o-Ween MasterEPIC?Fall-o-Ween Challenge (Season 5 (Legacy))
Falling for YouUNCOMMON?Week of Romance (Season 6 (Legacy))
Five Seasoned BeanUNCOMMON?Season Finale (Season 5 (Legacy))
Free For All ThrowbackEVENTUi-icon-generic-token 200Free For All Anniversary (Season 4)
Friends fall togetherEVENTUi-icon-weekofromance-token 100Hearts & Hugs (Fall and Fantasy Update)
Fruit FanCOMMONUi-icon-star-token 100Satellite Stars: Logic! (Season 6 (Legacy))
Fun in the Sun!EVENTUi-liveevents-summersquads-token 100Summer Squads (Season 1)
Glizzy GangEPIC?Glizzy Gang Showdown (Golden Hotdog) (Season 5 (Legacy))
Glizzy RingleaderRAREUi-icon-generic-token 200Glizzy Gang Showdown (Golden Punching Glove) (Season 6 (Legacy))
Glizzy VIPRAREUi-icon-generic-token 200Glizzy Gang Showdown (Golden Hotshot) (Season 6 (Legacy)) and
Glizzy Gang Showdown (Golden Punching Glove) (Season 6 (Legacy))
Grabbing GiftsEVENTUi-liveevents-nutcracker-hat-token 100Gift Grab (Season 3)
Hard-shelledEVENTUi-icon-generic-token 100Lobstar League (Crustacean Warrior) (Season 3)
Hex-o-nomistEVENTUi-icon-generic-token 100Hex-A-Thon Games! (Pike) (Season 3)
Hibernation modeEVENTUi-icon-token-candy-cane 200Season's Yeetings (Power Party Update)
High Hex-pectationsUNCOMMONUi-liveevents-walnut-token 100Hex-A-Thon Games! (Captain Redshift) (Season 2)
HumoristEVENT?April Fools 2022 Event (Season 6 (Legacy))
I have the Power!SPECIALUi-liveevents-motu-token 100The Power of Beanskull (Season 2)
I'm Doing my Part!EVENTUi-icon-satellite-token 100Satellite Repair Mission (Season 1)
Idol Games AthleteEVENTUi-icon-generic-token 200The Idol Games (Season 1)
Iron Bean!EVENTUi-icon-dumbbell-token 100New Bean Resolution (Season 6 (Legacy))
Jolly JumperCOMMONUi-icon-star-token 100Satellite Stars: Bravery! (Season 6 (Legacy))
Jungle ChampionSPECIAL?King Louie's Challenge (Season 5 (Legacy))
Knitted KnightSPECIALClaiming the September 2023 drop on PlayStation PlusSackboy's Challenge (Season 6 (Legacy))
Let's Get KrakenEVENTUi-liveevents-token-anchovy 100Let's Get Kraken (Season 3)
Lunar DragonEVENTCompleting 1 challenge during the Red Envelope Rally Challenge EventRed Envelope Rally (Shapes and Stickers Update)
Miku #1 FanSPECIALUi-liveevents-miku-token 100Sound Of The Future (Season 2)
Multi-Flavour BeanEVENTUi-liveevents-heart-2023-token 100Better Together (Season 3)
Mum I made itEVENT?Satellite Stars: Adapt! (Season 6 (Legacy))
Ready Four a PartyEVENTQualifying on 3 rounds during the 4th Anniversary Party Challenge Event4th Anniversary Party (July '24 Update)
Seasoned BeanUNCOMMON?Season Finale (Season 5 (Legacy))
SeekerSPECIALClaiming the February 2024 drop on PlayStation PlusAloy's Challenge (Season 6 (Legacy))
Silent's MemoriesUNCOMMONUi-liveevents-question-mark-token 100Silent's Memories (Season 2)
Spartan at HeartSPECIALUi-liveevents-pelican-token 100Spartan Showdown (Season 1)
Stadium SuperstarEVENTUi-liveevents-ss1-launch-token 100Stadium Stars (Season 1)
The icing on the cakeEVENTWinning any game during the Winter Mastery Challenge EventWinter Mastery (Winter Update)
Till Death Do Us PartyEVENTUi-icon-halloween-token 200Fall-o-Ween With Me (Fall Force Update)
Treat ThiefUNCOMMONUi-icon-token-eyeball 200Treat Thieves (Season 2)
Warm on the insideEVENTUi-icon-token-candy-cane 100Snowbean's Frosty Frolics (Winter Update)
Wormhole WandererEVENTUi-liveevents-wormhole-token 100Wormhole Wanderers (Season 2)
Wrecking CrewEVENTUi-icon-token-screw 100Scrapyard Stumble (Scrapyard Stumble Update)

DLC[ | ]

Main article: DLC
Nickname Rarity Unlocked By
CyberbeanCOMMONPurchasing the Bean Machine Pack

Exclusive[ | ]

Nickname Rarity Unlocked By
Community VIPSPECIALSocial Media Events and giveaways
Fall QueenSPECIALGifted to KawaiiNekoWaifu
ModeratorSPECIALGifted to Fall Guys Discord moderators
Stumble ChumSPECIALGiveaways

Unreleased[ | ]

Nicknames that were added to the game files, but were not made available in-game, yet.

Nickname Rarity Unlocked By Added
2021 - I was thereRARE?Season 6.0 (Legacy)
A New DaySPECIAL?Season 1.0
Arcade AceCOMMON?Season 4.0
Bean MineRARE?Season 6.0 (Legacy)
BeanfluencerUNCOMMON?Season 4.0
Bring the Hammer DownCOMMON?Season 3.0
Busy BeeCOMMON?Season 3.0
Cheeky MonkeyCOMMONPurchasing the Primate Pirate Pack (DLC)Season 3.0
Chop Chop!COMMON?Season 4.0
CodebreakerUNCOMMON?Season 4.0
Conquered the UniverseEPIC?Season 2.0
Dizzy Heights ChampEVENT?Season 3.0
Do Not DisturbCOMMON?Season 4.0
Easily DistractedCOMMON?Season 3.0
eSports ProSPECIAL?Season 2.0 (Legacy)
Fall KingSPECIALLikely gifted to InventorBLADES (unconfirmed)Season 2.0 (Legacy)
Feeling SleepyUNCOMMON?Season 4.0
Festive FlippersCOMMONPurchasing the Rhythm Reveller KitSeason 3.0 (Legacy)
Final BossUNCOMMON?Season 4.0
Full TiltedUNCOMMONPurchasing the Protein Chic KitSeason 6.0 (Legacy)
GlitchhikerCOMMON?Season 4.0
Happy Lunar New Year!EVENT?Season 3.0
I'm Walking Here!UNCOMMON?Season 4.0
Just Happy to Be HereUNCOMMON?Season 4.0
Levelling UpUNCOMMON?Season 4.0
Lily Leapers ChampEVENT?Season 3.0
Looooong GuyRARE?Season 6.0 (Legacy)
Love Conquers AllSPECIAL?Season 3.0
Mass HysteriaSPECIAL?Season 2.0
Networking NerdUNCOMMON?Season 4.0
Party Promenade ChampEVENT?Season 3.0
Play NiceCOMMON?Season 3.0
Player OneUNCOMMON?Season 4.0
Pooh-pooh to the WhosSPECIAL?Season 3.0
PranksterUNCOMMON?Season 4.0
Ready to Believe You!SPECIAL?Season 2.2
RingmasterCOMMON?Season 4.0
Rude-olfCOMMON?Season 6.0 (Legacy)
Runner BeanUNCOMMON?Season 1.0
SusCOMMON?Season 4.0 (Legacy)
SweetheartCOMMON?Season 4.0
TechnocratCOMMON?Season 4.0
TechnophobeCOMMON?Season 4.0
The DestructorSPECIAL?Season 2.2
The Fallen OneSPECIALLikely gifted to DrLupo (unconfirmed)Season 2.0 (Legacy)
Time Attack EliteEVENT?Season 3.0
TimTheTatmanSPECIALLikely gifted to TimTheTatman (unconfirmed)Season 2.0 (Legacy)
Track Attack ChampEVENT?Season 3.0
Treetop Tumble ChampEVENT?Season 3.0
Trojan HorseUNCOMMON?Season 4.0
Tundra Run ChampEVENT?Season 3.0
Ugly and ProudSPECIAL?Season 3.0
Un-beetle-bleCOMMON?Season 5.0 (Legacy)
Water off a Duck's BackSPECIALPurchasing the Jinkx Monsoon BundleSeason 2.0