Fall Guys: Ultimate Knockout Wiki
Who's ready to enter the Lost Temple?

It's our most ambitious Round yet - the rooms change around every time you play 🤯

~ Reveal Announcement (20 July 2021)

Lost Temple is one of the levels in Fall Guys. It is a FINAL level and was first introduced in Season 5 (Legacy).

Course description[ | ]

Lost Temple is a maze-like Final level. In it, players start in a semi-circle in a room with a single door, which they must break down in order to proceed. From there, they must find a path of real doors that will take them through a series of randomly selected preset rooms. These rooms contain mini-obstacle courses to make reaching the next door difficult. There are a total of 39 randomized rooms that can appear. Some rooms have 4 corner blocks to shape the room from square to circular. At the opposite end of the map, from the starting room is the crown room, which is never random. It contains a crown like the one on Fall Mountain, but this one moves left and right instead of up and down. Players must jump on a series of Lily Pads in order to grab it, and failing to do so will make them fall onto a Slime slope behind the crown. The room leading up to the crown room is never random as well, always consisting of a series of Conveyor Belts that lead players towards the real door that stands in the way of the crown.

For information on specific rooms and their strategies, refer to the charts under the Course Strategy subsection below.

While Lost Temple has a limit of 2-15 players, this limit is not followed in the Welcome to the Jungle playlist due to the number of rounds introduced in Season 5 (Legacy). There are a total of 15 spawn locations in the map, and in some cases the game may even select the round with more players than spawn locations (at least a high of 17 has been observed), resulting in multiple players being placed on the same spawn locations.

In a contrived scenario, if 5 minutes passes without anyone grabbing the crown, the round times out and everyone loses. In rare cases, because the game does not break ties, multiple players can win if the game adjudges them to have grabbed the crown at the same time.

Course strategy[ | ]

FG S5 promo screenshot 03

Winning Lost Temple can be fairly luck-based due to the random nature of the doors. However, it is still important to quickly navigate the obstacles in order to have a shot at the crown. Try to remember the path that you take through the maze; in some cases, this can rule out doors leading to rooms you've already been in. Keep in mind that the rooms are arranged in a five by five grid; using logic, you can sometimes rule out certain paths that would otherwise lead to dead ends.

A small but important tip is to jump into the doors; there is a small seam underneath each door which prevents you from merely walking into them, as you will be caught on the seam. Currently, the physics are such that you can get a rather decent boost forwards if you dive into the door - only do so when you know the next room has no obstacles or you'll likely be stymied for quite a while in the next room.

When the next part of the path is unknown and it comes to a split, sometimes you will have to try gambling on the other path from the one your opponents will try. Following them through, if the path is correct, still results you being behind them and likely to not catch up anyway; taking gambles like these can potentially help to suddenly gain an advantage on your opponents instead of making you always stay behind them. If the door you try ends up being the wrong one, c'est la vie.

Some specific rooms (usually the ones with lilypads) can give you a significant amount of air - if using these, be careful as there can be invisible walls above the breakable doors. Smacking into these can cost you precious time.

The penultimate room will almost always be directly to the left or right of the conveyor belt room leading up to the crown. If you end up in one of these rooms, head to the door leading to the conveyor belt room immediately. Originally, the door directly below the conveyor belt room was always fake, but since Season 2 it is able to be broken.[1]

If you are playing with a Squad that you're in a voice chat with, it may be a good idea to coordinate with your team. Have the players on your team go for different doors in order to find the correct ones more quickly.

When you reach the crown room, angle the camera upwards so you can see where the crown is, and in which direction it is moving, so you can determine which lilypad you need to bounce on. Players will frequently trip up on the last set of lilypads - you will get better at it with practice. If the gap between your nearest opponent (whether in front or behind) is too close to call, after the small first lilypad, instead of waiting for the jump to finish, dive onto the next lilypad as soon as you are high enough. (An even more advanced strategy would be to dive onto the small lilypad, then dive onto the next lilypad - this is even faster.

Individual room strategy[ | ]

Individual Room Strategy
Room Description Image Strategy Introduced in
Beam Room A deep, water-filled room containing two perpendicular beams. Four lily pads are found at the bottom of the pit. Losttemplebeam Run along the beam to the door across you. Use the lily pads on the corners immediately to your left/right to reach one of the side doors. Season 5.0 (Legacy)
Blizzard Fan Room A deep room containing a large Blizzard Fan at the bottom. Blizzardfanroom Jump onto the fan from the door to "ride" the current towards the next door. Be careful not to fall off or collide with other players. Season 5.0 (Legacy)
Bumper Room A room containing 9 bumpers arranged in a 3x3 grid pattern, with considerable gaps between them. Losttemplebumpers Simply navigate around the obstacles without touching them until you reach the next door. Alternatively, a riskier strategy is to jump on top of a bumper immediately to the side to cut a corner to a side door or jump from bumper to bumper to reach the room across. Season 5.0 (Legacy)
Donut Bumper Room #1: A room containing five large donut bumpers in a X pattern (one in the center, one close to each corner). Each of the corner donut pushers is surrounded by four smaller donut pushers which orbit around it (16 in total). Donutbumperroom1 Navigate the donuts by either following behind them closely or by moving ahead of them and letting them pass, depending on direction. Coming to a sudden, but brief stop is preferable to bumping into a donut. Taking a slighly longer but less crowded path can also improve your chances of overcoming the room without touching any obstacles. Season 5.0 (Legacy)
Donut Bumper Room #2: A room containing a large donut bumper orbited by four smaller donut bumpers at its center. A large square bumper can be found on each of the room's corners. Donutbumperroom2 Follow the donuts closely and pass through the gap left between the center donut and the square bumpers. Season 5.0 (Legacy)
Donut Bumper Room #3: A circular room containing a large donut bumper orbited by two groups of four smaller donut bumpers: one group going clockwise and the other going counter-clockwise. Donutbumperroom3 Walk between the two rings to reach one of the side doors or carefully move through the rings in as straight of a line as possible to reach the door across the room. Season 5.0 (Legacy)
Drawbridge Room A deep room containing four converging drawbridges above a large blizzard fan in a pool of water. Losttempledrawbridges Either move from one drawbridge to the one in front of the desired door, provided it is either rising or fully risen or ride the blizzard fan and land/dive onto a drawbridge as it is rising up/fully risen. Season 5.0 (Legacy)
Fan Room A room containing a large fan over a pool of water and a bumper on each corner. Losttemplefan Make your way to the desired door by moving on top of the fan, jumping from blade to blade as necessary. Do not touch the water if you can avoid it, as it descreases your speed. Season 5.0 (Legacy)
Flippity Bippity Room #1 A room containing four flippity bippities (one in each corner) and a tall square bumper in the center. Flippitybippitybumperroom Quickly circumvent the middle bumper when the flippity bippities are retracted and make your way to the door before they knock you down. If you notice you'll be hit if you keep moving, come to a full stop: it is best to lose some time waiting on the flippity bippity to retract than to get hit by it. Season 5.0 (Legacy)
Flippity Bippity Room #2 A circular room containing four flippity bippities. Losttempleflippitybippity Pay attention to the movement of the flippity bippities and stay close to the one that's going to flip away from you so you don't get knocked down as you make your way to a door. Season 5.0 (Legacy)
Frog Room #1 A room containing three expanding frogs, moving along rails on a slippery, slimy floor. The frog in the middle moves in the opposite direction of the other two. Frogroom1 Depending on orientation, the frogs will be moving back and forth or left to right as you enter the room. Quickly move past a frog as it is moving towards you and either inflated or just deflated. Do not approach frogs that are about to inflate or you will be knocked away. Compensate for the slimy floor by changing directions before you feel is necessary, as traction is reduced. Season 5.0 (Legacy)
Frog Room #2 A room containing nine stationary expanding frogs, organized in a 3x3 grid formation. This room has a slimy floor. Losttemplefrogs Weave between the frogs as you move towards a door by sticking close to the ones that are inflated or just deflated. Compensate for the slimy floor by changing directions before you feel is necessary, as traction is reduced. Season 5.0 (Legacy)
Frog Room #3 A room containing three slanted ramps in a row with an expanding frog traversing on each. The middle ramp is slanted in the opposite direction to the other two and its frog moves in the opposite direction as the other two frogs. Frogroom3 Depending on orientation, the frogs will be moving back and forth along the ramps or sideways along the ramps. Move past a frog as soon as the opportunity presents itself (frog moving towards you/just deflated) and reach the door either walking to it via the ramp or by using a nearby elevated ramp to jump to it. Season 5.0 (Legacy)
Frog Room #4 A room containing four expanding frogs with a single doughnut bumper in the center and a square bumper on each corner. Frogroom4 It is actually possible to walk between the frog and the corner bumpers even if the frog is inflated. Do so to reach the desired door, but be wary of other players as the room is quite cramped and they can cause you to bump into the obstacles. Season 5.0 (Legacy)
Frog Room #5 A circular room containing a rotating expanding frog with four doughnut bumpers circling around it. The floor for this room has water. Frogroom5 Jump into the room so you're out of the way of the donuts and keep jumping towards the desired door to negate the effects of the water. Season 5.0 (Legacy)
Frog Room #6 A room containing four ramps slanting up toward a center platform. A single expanding frog is placed on this center platform. Water is also found in-between the four ramps. Frogroom6 Simply jump from ramp to ramp over a water puddle to reach a side door. For the door across, either run past the frog if it is just deflated or jump from ramp to ramp over the water puddles again to circumvent it, if it is inflated. Season 5.0 (Legacy)
Frog Room #7 A room containing four conveyor belts moving clockwise, surrounding a short square platform with an expanding frog in the center Frogroom7 Run along the conveyor belts to reach the door to the left or the one across. For the right door, dive onto the frog platform and then towards the door if the frog is just deflated. Otherwise, follow the conveyor belts. Season 5.2 (Legacy)
Lily Pad Room #1 A room containing three lily pads in a row, moving over a layer of water. The middle lily pad moves in the opposite direction of the other two. Lilypadroom1 Depending on orientation, the lily pads will be moving back and forth or left and right. The middle lily pad is always moving opposite of the other two. Stay out of the water by jumping from lily to lily, land in front of the desired door, or dive towards it if you feel like you won't reach it. Season 5.0 (Legacy)
Lily Pad Room #2 A deep, circular, water-filled room containing four rotating lily pads that float mid-air. There is a fifth lily pad in the center of the room, down on the ground. Lilypadroom2 Enter the room and land on one of the rotating lily pads. Try to stay on top of them as you reach the desired door. Avoid the center lily pad as much as you can, as it is too deep in the room to give you enough lift to reach a door on its own. Season 5.0 (Legacy)
Lily Pad Room #3 A deep room containing five stationary lily pads. A square pillar is found on each corner making it really narrow. Lilypadroom3 Jump and dive towards the center lily pad, adjusting your trajectory as you go in order to reach the lily pad that is closest to the door your want to go to. Season 5.0 (Legacy)
Lily Pad Room #4 A room containing four sideways Lily pads at its center and a donut pusher between them and each corner (four in total). Centerdrumroom Navigate the room by going around the obstacles without touching any of them until you reach a door. The lily pads' hitbox is deceptively large, so opt to stay closer to the donut bumpers as you make your way out of the room. Season 5.0 (Legacy)
Lily Pad Room #5 A room containing four converging conveyor belts that drive players to its center, where a lily pad is. The corners of the room contain large square blocks, making it cramped. Lilypadroom5 Ride the conveyor belt and either jump onto the lily pad, adjusting your trajectory to reach one of the side doors, or dive onto the lily pad and use the extra momentum to reach the door across the room. Whatever you do, try your best not to land onto the conveyor belt again, as it will only drag you back towards the lily pad. Season 5.0 (Legacy)
Lily and Ball Room A deep, circular room containing a giant lily pad drum and a large ball bouncing on top of it. Losttempleball Bounce off the lily pad and make your way around the ball without touching it as you move towards the door you suspect is the right one. Season 5.0 (Legacy)
Log Swing Room A deep, water-filled room with a log swing in the middle and six small blizzard fans at the bottom (three on either side of the log). Logswingroom If the log is vertical in relation to you, walk along it and either cross it to reach the door across or wait until it is close enough so you can jump to the side door you want. If the log is horizontal in relation to you, jump on it when it is close enough, then either wait for it to swing to the door across, or walk along it to reach one of the side doors. Be wary when using blizzard fans, as you can hit your head on or get knocked down by the log, which costs a lot of time. Only do it if the log is swinging away from the door you want to go to. Season 5.0 (Legacy)
Moving Blocks Room #1 A water-filled room containing three rectangular moving blocks that move in a line. The middle block moves in the opposite direction of the other two. Movingblocksroom1 Depending on orientation, the blocks move back and forth or side to side. Jump from block to block as you make your way to a door, jumping earlier than you think you need to to compensate for the block's inertia. They are deceptively fast, so sometimes it is best to "ride" them towards a door rather than switching over to the next one, only for it to move away from the door by the time you land on it. Season 5.0 (Legacy)
Moving Blocks Room #2 A room with green and orange moving blocks arranged in 7x7 grid in a checkerboard pattern. The green and orange blocks alternate between moving up and down. Movingblocksroom2 Get a running start as you enter the room and try to land on blocks as they are beginning to rise up, so that they are risen by the time you land on them. Repeat this processes as you make your way to the door. Season 5.Fun
Rotating Beam Room #1 A circular room containing a single rotating beam atop a short pillar, surrounded by four ramps and four water pools at the corners. Losttemplerotatingbeam Watching out for the beam, jump over one of the water pits to reach one of the side doors. Jump over the next water pit if you intend to reach the door across. Season 5.0 (Legacy)
Rotating Beam Room #2 A circular room containing a double rotating beam at its center. Spinningbeamroom2 Just jump over the beam when it's about to approach and head for your target door. Season 5.0 (Legacy)
Rotating Hammer Room #1 A circular room containing a pair of rotating hammers sharing the same anchor point at its center, surrounded by 8 vertical beams that are evenly arranged in a circle around them. Losttemplerotatinghammer Try to go in the room by hugging either side of the door rather then going dead center: you are less likely to run into a beam. It's far safer to follow the direction of the hammers. Season 5.0 (Legacy)
Rotating Hammer Room #2 A circular room containing four rotating hammers distributed in a 2x2 grid-like pattern around its center. Two hammers spin clockwise while the other two spin counterclockwise. Rotatinghammerroom2 Try your best to move in the direction of the hammers. If you have to be knocked by them, let them knock you from behind to hopefully give you a slight boost to your intended door. Season 5.0 (Legacy)
Rotating Wall Room A circular room containing a giant rotating wall at its center. Losttemplerotatingwall Either follow the wall or jump through the holes in the wall. Quite straightforward. Season 5.0 (Legacy)
Small Islands Room #1 A water-filled room containing a small green circular platform at the center with other 6 identical platforms evenly arranged in a circle around it. Smallislandsroom1 Make your way to a door by hopping from island to island. In case you fall or get knocked down, quickly jump back up to an island to avoid being slowed by the water. Alternatively, if you aren't precise enough to traverse the room by jumping perfectly on the islands, just go through the water, but keep jumping so you aren't slowed down. Season 5.0 (Legacy)
Small Islands Room #2 A water-filled room containing small square islands, arranged in a checkerboard pattern. A raised platform in the center of the room contains a square bumper. Smallislandsroom2 Enter the room staying in the center of the hallway to ensure you'll land on a tile. Afterwards, either jump onto the center island and then from it to the door across or jump onto the closest tile to the side door you want to reach. Season 5.0 (Legacy)
Spinning Plate Room #1 A circular room containing a giant spinning plate rotating counter-clockwise. There is also a small fixture on the center of the spinning plate. Losttemplespinningplate Simply move along in the direction the plate is spinning in (and not against it) and make your way to the desired door. Jump earlier than you think you should to compensate for the plate's rotation. Season 5.0 (Legacy)
Spinning Plate Room #2 A circular room containing a giant Spinning Plate with another, smaller Spinning Plate (rotating counter-clockwise) on top. Four doughnut bumpers are found sticking out of the four curved corners. There is also a small fixture on the center of the smaller spinning plate. Spinningplateroom2 Depending on the direction of the plates, you can try utilising either the outer or inner plate to quickly propel yourself to the door you want to try. Utilise the strategy from Spinning Plate Room #1, but be especially mindful of the doughnut bumpers; jump over those. Season 5.0 (Legacy)
Walkways Room #1 A room containing two curved walkways with a rotating hammer each, above a water floor. Two of the corners have expanding frogs in them. Froghammerroom Make your way to the door by staying on the walkway as much as possible. If you notice you're about to run into a hammer, jump to the next walkway and either proceed or jump back to the previous walkway, depending on which door you want to go to. Season 5.0 (Legacy)
Walkways Room #2 A room containing two curved, elevated walkways over water, a vertical rotating hammer between them and four lily pads: two small ones on the corners encircled by the walkways and two normal sized ones on the remaining corners. Lilyandhammerroom Your strategy depends on which door you want to go to as you enter the room: Walk along the walkway to reach the door on the side, bounce off of the normal-sized lily pad to cut a corner and reach the door on the other side and finally, jump onto the other walkway either by dodging the hammer or using a lily pad to cut a corner and walk along it to reach the door across. Season 5.0 (Legacy)

Unique room strategy[ | ]

Unique Room Strategy
Room Description Image Strategy Introduced in
Starting Room A square room with no obstacles and a single door that leads to the rest of the level. All the Fall Guys still present in the match will spawn in a semicircle in front of the door. Ltstart Simply move through the only door available. Season 5.0 (Legacy)
Corridor (L-Shaped) A room consisting of a single, L-shaped corridor with a door at each end. Ltcorridorl Simply walk along the corridor to the next door. Season 5.0 (Legacy)
Corridor (T-Shaped) A room consisting of a simple corridor with two branching paths (in addition to the one players just came from). This is always the first room players will encounter after the starting room. Ltcorridort Depending on orientation, move either left or right to reach a side door, or choose between going across the room or to the one side door available. Season 5.0 (Legacy)
Corridor (X-Shaped) A room consisting of two perpendicular corridors with a door on each end. Ltcorridorx Upon entering the room choose the left, front or right path and go to the corresponding door. Season 5.0 (Legacy)
Conveyor Belt Room A cross-shaped room with three doors and an open gap leading to the crown room. A set of three conveyor belts guides players towards the crown room. Letconveyorroom Avoid diving into the room unless absolutely necessary. Walk on the conveyor belt towards the open gap leading into the crown room and get ready to jump onto the incoming lily pad ahead, taking added momentum from the belt into account. Season 5.0 (Legacy)
Crown Room A water-filled room featuring a small lily pad immediately after the entrance, followed by two larger side by side lily pads at a higher elevation. The crown slowly hovers from side to side slightly in front of the lily pads. A large slime slope is located behind the crown. Letcrownroom Tilt the camera upwards as you approach the crown room so you can see the crown floating above. Jump onto the small lily pad in front of you and from it, move towards the left or right lily pad, depending on the position of the crown in order to grab it and win the game. Season 5.0 (Legacy)

Unused/removed rooms[ | ]

This section contains information regarding content that is currently unavailable in Fall Guys, but is preserved here for archival purposes.

Unused/removed Room Strategy
Room Description Image Strategy Introduced in
Punching Gloves Room A deep room containing a tall, large pillar at its center, surrounded by 8 upwards-facing punching gloves. Punchinggloveroom One of the most notoriously annoying rooms, as it is easy to ragdoll on the punching gloves, especially with multiple players on the same glove. Wait on the glove nearest the door you want to go, remain perfectly still as to avoid ragdolling and let it activate, then try to go through the door. Season 5.0 (Legacy) (removed indefinitely)[2]
Slingus Flingus Room A water-filled room containing four slingus flinguses that sends players towards the opposite end of the room as well as four small blizzard fans at the corners, which turn on and off at regular intervals. Losttempleflingus Upon entering the room, jump on the slingus flingus opposite to the door you want to go to in order to be launched towards it. If it recharging, you must contend with the water and either climb up to the door or take a Blizzard Fan, if it is on. Season 5.0 (Legacy) (removed indefinitely)[3]

Warped Lost Temple[ | ]

Main article: Wormhole Wanderers

These special wormhole-themed rooms are only present in Warped Lost Temple. Note that this table may not necessarily be complete:

Wormhole Room Strategy
Room Description Image Strategy Introduced in
Wormhole Room #1 Similar to Frog Room #3, but with wormholes instead of expanding frogs. The middle ramp is slanted in the opposite direction to the other two and its wormhole moves in the opposite direction as the other two. The wormholes take you to a wormhole on a different ramp.

LT Sliding Wormholes Room

You can either avoid the wormholes or risk taking them to reach other ramps faster. Season 2.2
Wormhole Room #2 A cross-shaped room where two sides are blocked off by bamboo pillars and there are wormholes on the ground that lead to the middle corridor.

LT Wormhole Room 2

To reach the blocked off areas, take the wormhole of the corresponding colour. Season 2.2
Wormhole Room #3 A room containing four converging conveyor belts that drive players to its center, where a pillar with wormholes is. The wormholes take you to the opposite side. There is a donut bumper on each corner of the room.

LT Wormhole Room 3

Either take the wormholes if you want to reach the opposite side, or take the corners if you just want to turn left or right. Season 2.2
Wormhole Room #4 A deep room containing a tall, large pillar at its center, with two wormholes on each wall, one at the top and one at the bottom. The bottom wormholes take you to the top wormhole on the opposite wall.

LT Wormhole Room 4

Take the bottom wormholes on the opposite side of where you want to go, and dive as you exit the top wormhole. Season 2.2
Wormhole Room #5 A deep room containing four wormholes in the floor, leading to their respective colour-coded wormholes at the top.

LT Wormhole Room 5

(TBC) Note the direction you want to go in then go anti-clockwise to find the corresponding wormhole. For example, if you want to go straight, going anti-clockwise from there will mean you have to take the top-left wormhole. Season 2.2

Course changes[ | ]

As of the Season 6.1 (Legacy) update:

  • A small delay of 0.2 seconds was added after grabbing the crown, making this Final possible to have multiple winners if they manage to grab the crown at the same time.
    • As of the Fall Forever Update, this is no longer possible, due to the oversimplification of game rules in core shows. Chances are this is unintentional, though, since only non-survival core show finals share game rules (Fall Mountain, Lost Temple, and Rollin' Ruins).

As of the Season 2 update:

  • The middle door before the Conveyor Belt room leading directly to the crown may now open.

Known bugs[ | ]

No Fake Doors*

On rare occasions, every door is able to be broken. When this happens, bumping into any door will play the "rejected" sound that normally plays when bumping into a fake door.[4]

Crown Hanging*

Double-diving on the lilypads before grabbing the crown has a slight chance of causing the player to grab and hang on the crown, but the round does not stop and declare you the winner.
This bug has now been fixed as of the Season 1.

*This name is a conjectural name and has not been somewhat uniformly agreed upon.

Medal thresholds[ | ]

  • Gold - Winner!
  • No medal - Eliminated

History[ | ]

Released in Season 5 (Legacy)

History of Lost Temple
Season Status Map Theme
Season 5 (Legacy) Active Standard versions
Season 6 (Legacy) Active Standard versions
Season 1 Active Standard versions
Season 2 Active Standard and alternate versions available only in Solo Show and some special shows
Season 3 Vaulted Vaulted from all shows. As of 7 March 2023, available exclusively in The Vault show in Custom Show
Season 4 Active Standard versions
Summer Breeze Update Active Standard versions
Fall Force Update Active Standard versions
Tool Up Update Active Standard versions
Power Party Update Active Standard versions
Shapes and Stickers Update Active Standard versions
Survival Update Active Standard versions
Fall Forever Update Active* Available only in Knockout. Probably won't return to any Classic Game any time soon, due to the round being deemed broken because of the new jump physics
June '24 Update Active* Standard versions available only in Knockout, probably due to an oversight, because it is removed from the Classic Games due to the new jump physics
July '24 Update Active Standard and alternate versions. Was not available except in The Vault until it was re-added in Core Games on 1 August 2024
Scrapyard Stumble Update Active Standard versions
Falloween 2024 Update Active Standard versions
November '24 Update Active Standard versions available only in Classic Games
Winter Update Active Standard versions
Fall and Fantasy Update Active Standard versions available only in Classic Games

Trivia[ | ]

  • FnF

    Lost Temple concept art

    The Season 5 (Legacy) Gameplay Trailer features Moving Blocks Room #2, over a month before its introduction in Season 5.Fun.
  • One unused room is shown in the level's concept art. This room contains two additional doors placed in front of the existing doors.
  • As of 29 May 2024, Lost Temple is the only Unity level, which is exclusive to Knockout.
    • It got fully re-added to every Classic Mode on 1 August 2024. Wierdly it was (and still is) the Fallback round for this show eventhough it was completely vaulted at the start of the July '24 Update.
    • Strangely, Lost Temple is featured in Squad Celebration despite it not being a Team Level.

Names in other languages[ | ]

Language Name
Chinese (Simplified) 失落神庙 (Shīluò shén miào)
Chinese (Traditional) 迷途神廟 (Mítú shén miào)
French Temple Perdu
German Tempelyrinth
Italian Tempio Perduto
Japanese ロストテンプル (Rosuto Tenpuru)
Korean 버려진 사원 (Beoryeojin Sawon)
Polish Starożytna Świątynia
Portuguese Templo Perdido
Russian Затерянный Храм (Zateryannyy Khram)
Spanish Templo Perdido
Spanish (Latin America) Templo Perdido

See also[ | ]

References[ | ]
