Fall Guys: Ultimate Knockout Wiki

Levels (formerly Rounds) are the courses/maps in Fall Guys, and they are randomly chosen in Knockout, Solos, Duos, Squads and many other games. Most games start with COURSE levels, but sometimes may start with SURVIVAL or other level types (For more information on level types, consult the table below). Other games might also change level rules like minimum and maximum amount of participants.

There are currently 82 different classic levels in Fall Guys: 30 Courses, 10 Survival, 13 Points, 12 Team, 3 Logic, 2 Invisibeans and 12 Finals. However, not all of them may be available to be played at the same time, due to the level pool being rotated time to time in Knockout, and select levels being temporarily removed due to issues in the Classic Games (Solos, Squads, and Duos). Some Levels that are not available in the Knockout rotation may still be available in Custom Games and the “Classic Games” in the Game Selector.

Vaulting Status Level Types
Type Total Levels Amount Vaulted % Vaulted
COURSE 30 6 20.0%
SURVIVAL 10 1 10.0%
POINTS 13 3 23.1%
LOGIC 3 0 0.0%
TEAM 12 0 0.0%
FINAL 12 0 0.0%
INVISIBEANS 2 2* 100.0%*
Total 82 12 14.6%

*Icon Sweet Thieves Sweet Thieves and Icon Treat Thieves Treat Thieves (the only Invisibeans levels in the game) have never been in core shows and were both available in Custom Games since the Fall Force Update, but were removed from customs as of the Fall Forever Update.

List of levels[ | ]

The following are levels that were released prior to Season 4. For Creative levels available in Knockout, see Knockout/Rotations#Creative Levels.
Round Type Objective How to play Participants Qualification Added in
Icon Airtime
AirtimePOINTSStay in the zone!Stay in the score zone to score points! Use the pipes to get back to the score zone if you fall!11 - 24
11 - 40
60%Season 6 (Legacy)
(30 November 2021)
UI Medal Icon Basketfall
BasketfallTEAMScore points!Score points by getting balls into the opposing team's basket - work together to get the win! Use Grab to pick up balls!12 - 16
(Squads; non-final, even numbers only)
8 - 8
(Squads; final, even numbers only)
12 - 24
(Duos; non-final even numbers only)
4 - 4
(Duos; final, even numbers only))
Highest scoring teamSeason 4 (Legacy)
(22 March 2021)
Icon Bean Hill Zone
Bean Hill ZonePOINTSGet rings!Run around the zone and collect enough rings to qualify!15 - 3560%Season 1.3
(11 August 2022)
UI Medal Icon BigFans
Big FansCOURSERace to the finish!Navigate the obstacles and race to the finish line!25 - 40
(Classic Games)
25 - 32
70%Season 2 (Legacy) mid-season update/Season 2.5 (Legacy)
(10 November 2020)
UI Medal Icon BigShots
Big ShotsSURVIVALDon't fall off!Avoid getting knocked into the slime and watch out for those cannons!11 - 24
11 - 30
9 - 30
(Squads and Duos)
60%Season 4 (Legacy)
(22 March 2021)
Icon Blast Ball
Blast BallFINALLast one standing!Avoid the falling floor and throw blast balls at your opponents to WIN the CROWN!2 - 10
(Knockout, Solos and Duos)
2 - 12
LastSeason 1
(21 June 2022)
Icon Blastlantis
BlastlantisSURVIVALDon't fall off!!Survive as long as possible by not falling off amid the ruined arena whilst throwing blast balls to knock off other players25 - 32
11 - 32
10 - 32
9 - 32
60%Season 3
(22 November 2022)
UI Medal Icon BlockParty
Block PartySURVIVALDon't fall off!Avoid the moving walls and don't fall off the platform!9 - 30Survivors of timerBeta
(25 July 2020)
Icon Bounce Party
Bounce PartyPOINTSBounce through hoops!Bounce through the hoops to score points!10 - 2270%Season 1
(21 June 2022)
UI Medal Icon BubbleTrouble
Bubble TroublePOINTSPop bubbles!Bubbles will appear in different zones around the arena, JUMP into them to pop them and score points to win!11 - 24
(Solos & Knockout)
15 - 45
(Squads and Duos))
60%Season 5 (Legacy)
(20 July 2021)
UI Medal Icon ButtonBashers
Button BashersPOINTSPress the buttons!Press the button that lights up to score points and defeat your rival!11 - 24
8 - 16
(Solos; Even numbers only)
50%Season 4 (Legacy) mid-season update
(13 May 2021)
Icon CosmicHighway
Cosmic HighwayCOURSERace to the finish!Hop across the space lanes and race to the finish!40 - 6070%Season 2
(15 September 2022)
UI Medal Icon DizzyHeights
Dizzy HeightsCOURSERace to the finish!Navigate the obstacles and race to the finish line!25 - 32
25 - 40
(25 July 2020)
UI Medal Icon DoorDash
Door DashCOURSERace to the finish!Break through doors and race to the finish line - some are real, some are fake!25 - 40
(Classic Games)
25 - 32
(25 July 2020)
UI Medal Icon EggScramble
Egg ScrambleTEAMCollect the eggs!Use Grab to GRAB eggs - store them in your team's nest to score points!9 - 24
(Squads; Multiples of 3 only)
12 - 26
(Duos; Multiples of 3 only)
2 highest scoring teamsBeta
(25 July 2020)
UI Medal Icon EggSiege
Egg SiegeTEAMCollect the eggs!Use Grab to GRAB eggs - store them in your team's nest to score points!9 - 12
(Squads; Multiples of 3 only)
6 - 6
(Duos; Multiples of 3 only)
2 highest scoring teamsSeason 2 (Legacy)
(8 October 2020)
UI Medal Icon FallBall
Fall BallTEAMScore goals!Score goals by getting balls into the opposing team's goal - work together to get the win!12 - 16
(Squads; non-final, even numbers only)
8 - 8
(Squads; final, even numbers only)
12 - 24
(Duos; non-final, even numbers only)
4 - 4
(Duos; final, even numbers only)
Highest scoring teamBeta
(25 July 2020)
UI Medal Icon FallMountain
Fall MountainFINALGrab the crown!Reach the top of the mountain first and use Grab to GRAB the CROWN!2 - 9
2 - 10
2 - 8
(Squads and Duos)
(25 July 2020)
Icon Frantic Factory
Frantic FactoryPOINTSPress lit buttons!Press the lit buttons to score points!11 - 24
(Solos & Knockout)
11 - 30
(Squads and Duos)
70%Season 2
(15 September 2022)
UI Medal Icon FreezyPeak
Freezy PeakCOURSERace to the finish!Scale the frozen mountain to reach the finish line at the peak!25 - 40
25 - 32
20 - 40
(Squads and Duos)
70%Season 3 (Legacy)
(15 December 2020)
UI Medal Icon FruitChute
Fruit ChuteCOURSERace to the finish!Dodge the flying fruit and race up the conveyor belt to reach the finish line!11 - 30
10 - 30
(Squads and Duos)
(25 July 2020)
Icon Full Tilt
Full TiltCOURSERace to the finish!Run and balance across rows of 360 see-saws to reach the finish line!25 - 32
25 - 40
(Solos, Squads and Duos)
70%Season 6 (Legacy)
(30 November 2021)
UI Medal Icon GateCrash
Gate CrashCOURSERace to the finish!Avoid the moving doors and race to the finish line!25 - 4070%Beta
(25 July 2020)
UI Medal Icon HexAGone
Hex-A-GoneFINALLast one standing!Floor pieces fall away when you stand on them - keep moving and survive longest to WIN the CROWN!2 - 10
(Solos and Duos)
2 - 12
(25 July 2020)
Icon Hex-A-Ring
Hex-A-RingFINALStay on the ring!Stay on top of the rotating ring of tiles to WIN the CROWN!2 - 10
(Solos and Duos)
2 - 8
LastSeason 1
(21 June 2022)
Icon Hex-A-Terrestrial
Hex-A-TerrestrialFINALDon't fall off!Floor pieces fall away temporarily when you stand on them - keep moving and survive longest to WIN the CROWN!2 - 10
(Solos and Duos)
2 - 12
LastSeason 2
(15 September 2022)
UI Medal Icon HitParade
Hit ParadeCOURSERace to the finish!Navigate the obstacles and race to the finish line!25 - 40
(Classic Games)
25 - 32
(25 July 2020)
UI Medal Icon Hoarders
HoardersTEAMHoard the balls!Keep balls in your area to earn points for your team!12 - 24
(Squads; Multiples of 3 only)
12 - 30
(Duos; Multiples of 3 only)
2 highest scoring teamsBeta
(25 July 2020)
Icon Hoop Chute
Hoop ChutePOINTSScore points!Use Jump and Dive to dive slide and slide through the hoops to score points20 - 4560%Season 3
(22 November 2022)
UI Medal Icon HoopsieDaisy
Hoopsie DaisyTEAMJump through hoops!JUMP and DIVE through hoops to score points for your team!12 - 24
(Squads and Duos; Multiples of 3 only)
2 highest scoring teamsBeta
(25 July 2020)
UI Medal Icon HoopsieLegends
Hoopsie LegendsPOINTSJump through hoops!JUMP and DIVE through hoops to score points!11 - 24
11 - 30
9 - 24
9 - 30
60%Season 2 (Legacy)
(8 October 2020)
UI Medal Icon HoverboardHeroes
Hoverboard HeroesSURVIVALDon't fall off!Avoid falling off the hoverboard and reach the finish!11 - 24
11 - 30
20 - 28
(Squads and Duos)
Survivors of slimeSeason 4 (Legacy)
(22 March 2021)
Icon Hyperdrive Heroes
Hyperdrive HeroesSURVIVALDon't fall off!Avoid falling off the hoverboard and reach the finish!11 - 24
(Solos and Knockout)
10 - 24
(Squads and Duos)
Survivors of slimeSeason 2
(15 September 2022)
UI Medal Icon Jinxed
JinxedTEAMDon't get jinxed!The first team to get completely Jinxed are eliminated! When you get caught, GRAB the opposing team to Jinx them!12 - 16
(Squads; non-final, even numbers only)
8 - 8
(Squads; final, even numbers only)
12 - 24
(Duos; non-final, even numbers only)
4 - 4
(Duos; final, even numbers only)
Highest scoring teamBeta
(25 July 2020)
UI Medal Icon JumpClub
Jump ClubSURVIVALDon't fall off!JUMP over the spinning beam and avoid falling into the slime!11 - 24
11 - 30
10 - 30
9 - 24
(25 July 2020)
UI Medal Icon JumpShowdown
Jump ShowdownFINALLast one standing!JUMP over the spinning beam and avoid the falling floor to WIN the CROWN!2 - 10
(Knockout, Solos and Duos)
2 - 12
(25 July 2020)
UI Medal Icon KnightFever
Knight FeverCOURSERace to the finish!Navigate the Medieval obstacles and race to the finish line!25 - 40
(Classic Games)
25 - 32
70%Season 2 (Legacy)
(8 October 2020)
Icon Kraken Slam
Kraken SlamFINALAvoid the water!Avoid jumping on the patterned tiles to prevent Kraken Tentacles from appearing. Don't fall into the water!2 - 10
(Knockout, Solos and Duos)
2 - 12
LastSeason 3
(22 November 2022)
Icon Leading Light
Leading LightPOINTSStay in the spotlight!Stay in the moving spotlight to earn points!25 - 32
11 - 30
60%Season 6 (Legacy)
(30 November 2021)
UI Medal Icon LilyLeapers
Lily LeapersCOURSERace to the finish!Bounce on the drums to make your way to the finish line!25 - 40
(Classic Games)
25 - 32
70%Season 5 (Legacy)
(20 July 2021)
UI Medal Icon LostTemple
Lost TempleFINALGrab the crown!Break through doors to reach the crown at the end of the maze - some are real, some are fake!2 - 10
(Knockout, Solos and Duos)
2 - 12
FirstSeason 5 (Legacy)
(20 July 2021)
Icon Party Promenade
Party PromenadeCOURSERace to the finish!Navigate the obstacles and race to the finish line!25 - 4070%Season 6 (Legacy)
(30 November 2021)
UI Medal Icon PegwinPoolParty
Pegwin Pool PartyPOINTSHold that penguin!Grab and hold onto a Penguin to score points!11 - 30
9 - 30
(Squads and Duos)
60%Season 5 (Legacy)
(20 July 2021)
UI Medal Icon PegwinPursuit
Pegwin PursuitTEAMHold that penguin!Grab and hold onto a Penguin to score points for your team!9 - 24
(Squads; Multiples of 3 only)
6 - 24
(Duos; Multiples of 3 only)
2 highest scoring teamsSeason 3 (Legacy)
(15 December 2020)
UI Medal Icon PerfectMatch
Perfect MatchLOGICMatch the icons!Memorise the icons on the tiles - when an icon is displayed on the screen, move to a matching tile to avoid falling into the slime!11 - 24
(Knockout and Solos)
11 - 40
Survivors of timerBeta
(25 July 2020)
Icon Pipe Dream
Pipe DreamCOURSERace to the finish!Navigate the pipes to reach the finish line!9 - 3060%Season 6 (Legacy)
(30 November 2021)
Icon Pixel Painters
Pixel PaintersLOGICCopy the picture!Touch the floor tiles to light them up and copy the picture on the wall!9 - 32
9 - 16
60%Season 2
(15 September 2022)
UI Medal Icon PowerTrip
Power TripTEAMColour tiles!GRAB batteries with Grab to colour tiles! The team with the most tiles coloured wins the round!12 - 16
((Squads; non-final, even numbers only)
8 - 8
(Squads; final, even numbers only)
10 - 24
(Duos; non-final, even numbers only)
4 - 4
(Duos; final, even numbers only)
Highest scoring teamSeason 4 (Legacy)
(22 March 2021)
Icon Puzzle Path
Puzzle PathCOURSERace to the finish!Follow the line that leads to the correct exit!20 - 4060%Season 3
(22 November 2022)
UI Medal Icon RocknRoll
Rock 'n' RollTEAMPush your ball!Work together to PUSH your ball to the finish line before the other teams!12 - 24
(Squads; Multiples of 3 only)
12 - 30
(Duos; Multiples of 3 only)
2 highest scoring teamsBeta
(25 July 2020)
UI Medal Icon RollOff
Roll OffFINALDon't fall off!Move between rotating rings to avoid the rising slime!2 - 10
(Knockout, Solos and Duos)
2 - 8
LastSeason 3 (Legacy)
(15 December 2020)
UI Medal Icon RollOn
Roll OnCOURSERace to the finish!Run across the rotating rings to reach the finish line!25 - 4070%Season 4 (Legacy)
(22 March 2021)
UI Medal Icon RollOut
Roll OutSURVIVALDon't fall off!Move between rotating rings to avoid falling into the slime!11 - 24
11 - 40
9 - 40
(Squads and Duos)
(25 July 2020)
UI Medal Icon RoyalFumble
Royal FumbleFINALGrab the tail!Use Grab to GRAB the TAIL and make sure you're wearing it when the timer runs out to WIN!4 - 6
2 - 10
8 - 12
Tailed on timerBeta
(25 July 2020)
UI Medal Icon SeeSaw
See SawCOURSERace to the finish!Run and balance across rows of see-saws to reach the finish line!25 - 40
(Solos & Duos)
25 - 32
9 - 40
(25 July 2020)
UI Medal Icon ShortCircuit
Short CircuitCOURSERun 2 laps!Navigate the obstacles and race 2 laps around the course!25 - 40
11 - 24
70%Season 4 (Legacy)
(22 March 2021)
UI Medal Icon SkiFall
Ski FallPOINTSJump through holes!Jump through the holes to score points!11 - 24
9 - 24
12 - 24
72%Season 3 (Legacy)
(15 December 2020)
UI Medal Icon SkylineStumble
Skyline StumbleCOURSERace to the finish!Navigate the futuristic obstacles and race to the finish line!25 - 40
(Classic Games)
25 - 32
70%Season 4 (Legacy)
(22 March 2021)
UI Medal Icon SlimeClimb
Slime ClimbCOURSERace to the finish!Outrun the rising slime and survive through obstacles to reach the finish line!25 - 32
9 - 40
(Solos, Squads and Duos)
Survivors of slimeBeta
(25 July 2020)
UI Medal Icon SnowballSurvival
Snowball SurvivalSURVIVALDon't get knocked out!Try not to break the ice and don't fall out the bowl!11 - 24
11 - 30
9 - 30
9 - 24
Survivors of timerSeason 3 (Legacy) mid-season update
(2 February 2021)
UI Medal Icon SnowyScrap
Snowy ScrapTEAMPush your snowball!Push your snowball through snow to grow it to max size!12 - 28
(Squads; Multiples of 3 only)
12 - 30
(Duos; Multiples of 3 only)
2 highest scoring teamsSeason 3 (Legacy)
(15 December 2020)
Icon SpaceRace
Space RaceCOURSERace to the finish!Navigate the Obstacles and race to the finish line!25 - 4070%Season 2
(15 September 2022)
Icon Speed Circuit
Speed CircuitCOURSERun 2 laps!Navigate the obstacles and race 2 laps around the course!25 - 40
11 - 24
60%Season 1
(21 June 2022)
Icon Speed Slider
Speed SliderCOURSERace to the finish!Slide down the track and race to the finish line!25 - 40
(Classic Games)
11 - 24
70%Season 3
(22 November 2022)
Icon Starchart
StarchartCOURSEDiscover the path!Look at the Map Screen when pressing a button to see the location of Invisible Paths!11 - 25
12 - 24
(Squads and Duos)
60%Season 2
(15 September 2022)
UI Medal Icon StompinGround
Stompin' GroundSURVIVALDon't get knocked outAvoid the charging Rhinos and stay inside the arena!9 - 40
(Solos and Squads)
10 - 40
11 - 24
Survivors of timerSeason 5 (Legacy)
(20 July 2021)
UI Medal Icon SumFruit
Sum FruitLOGICCount the fruit!Count the fruit. Avoid the rising slime. When the screens show the quantity of a type of fruit, stand on the tile matching that fruit to survive!11 - 24
11 - 40
9 - 40
10 - 40
Survivors of timerSeason 5.Fun
(31 August 2021)
Icon Sweet Thieves
Sweet ThievesINVISIBEANSThieves
Steal candy, avoid guardians!
Defend candy, capture thieves!
Steal candy and avoid capture within the time limit! Use HoldToWalk to walk and stay invisible!
Defend the candy and capture all Thieves!
8 - 12Highest scoring teamSeason 6 (Legacy) mid-season update
(22 February 2022)
UI Medal Icon TailTag
Tail TagPOINTSGrab a tail!Some players start with tails, some don't - use Grab to GRAB a tail and make sure you have one when the timer runs out!25 - 32
11 - 30
(25 July 2020)
UI Medal Icon TailTag
Team Tail TagTEAMGrab a tail!Use Grab to GRAB a tail - make sure that your team has more tails than the rest when the timer runs out!16 - 40
(Squads and Duos; Multiples of 4 only)
3 highest scoring teamsBeta
(25 July 2020)
UI Medal Icon TheSlimescraper
The SlimescraperCOURSERace to the finish!Outrun the rising slime and survive through obstacles to reach the finish line!2 - 40
9 - 40
10 - 40
Survivors of slimeSeason 4 (Legacy) mid-season update
(13 May 2021)
Icon The Swiveller
The SwivellerSURVIVALRun from the fan!Run away from the fan, avoid obstacles and don't fall off!11 - 24
11 - 26
9 - 26
(Squads and Duos)
60%Season 1
(21 June 2022)
UI Medal Icon TheWhirlygig
The WhirlygigCOURSERace to the finish!Navigate the obstacles and race to the finish line!25 - 32
25 - 40
(Solos, Squads and Duos)
(25 July 2020)
UI Medal Icon ThinIce
Thin IceFINALDon't fall through!Stay atop the cracking ice to avoid the slime below!2 - 10
(Knockout, Solos and Duos)
2 - 8
LastSeason 3 (Legacy)
(15 December 2020)
UI Medal Icon TipToe
Tip ToeCOURSEFind the path!Avoid fake tiles and find the hidden paths to reach the finish line!11 - 24
(Solos and Knockout)
9 - 24
(Squads and Duos)
(25 July 2020)
Icon TipToeFinale
Tip Toe FinaleFINALGrab the crown!Work together to race across the tiles to reach the crown first!2 - 8
8 - 8
FirstSeason 2
(15 September 2022)
Icon Track Attack
Track AttackCOURSERace to the finish!Navigate the obstacles along this perilous racetrack and reach the finish!11 - 24
25 - 40
(Solos, Squads and Duos)
70%Season 1
(21 June 2022)
Icon Treat Thieves
Treat ThievesINVISIBEANSTrickers
Steal candy, avoid treaters!
Defend candy, capture trickers!
Steal candy and avoid capture within the time limit! Use HoldToWalk to walk and stay invisible!
Defend the candy and capture all Trickers!
8 - 12Highest scoring teamSeason 2.2
(27 October 2022)
UI Medal Icon TreetopTumble
Treetop TumbleCOURSERace to the finish!Navigate the jungle obstacles and race to the finish line!25 - 40
(Classic Games)
11 - 24
70%Season 5 (Legacy)
(20 July 2021)
UI Medal Icon TundraRun
Tundra RunCOURSERace to the finish!Navigate the frosty obstacles and race to the finish line!25 - 32
25 - 40
(Solos, Squads and Duos)
70%Season 3 (Legacy)
(15 December 2020)
Icon Volleyfall
VolleyfallPOINTSHit the opponent's floor!Knock the ball to the opposite side and touch the floor to score points!11 - 20
12 - 20
(Solos; Even numbers only)
9 - 16
(Squads; Non-Final Variant; Even numbers only)
2 - 8
(Squads; Final Variant)
12 - 20
(Duos; Non-Final Variant; Even numbers only)
4 - 4
(Duos; Final Variant)
50%Season 1
(21 June 2022)
UI Medal Icon WallGuys
Wall GuysCOURSEScale the walls!Use Grab to GRAB and move blocks - create paths and jump along to cross walls and reach the finish line!11 - 30
12 - 30
(Squads and Duos)
60%Season 2 (Legacy)
(8 October 2020)

Trivia[ | ]

  • The Logic level type has only three levels, those being Perfect Match, Pixel Painters and Sum Fruit.
  • Course is by far the most common level type in the game.
  • Following a server outage on 8 June 2021, the level selection algorithm became bugged, allowing some levels to be played with much lower player counts than usual.

See also[ | ]

  • Course, a level type where you race to the finish line.
  • Survival, a level type where you survive to qualify.
  • Points, a level type where you hunt for a specific thing.
  • Logic, a level type where you use your logic skills.
  • Team, a level type where you coordinate with your team.
  • Final, a level type where you duke it out in an intense final and decides the winner of the Episode.
  • Invisibeans, a level type where the teams each have a different goal.
  • Time Attack, a level type/mode where you aim to be the fastest to the finish line.
