Fall Guys: Ultimate Knockout Wiki
Fall Guys: Ultimate Knockout Wiki
UI currency kudos 1080p

Kudos are one of Fall Guys' in-game currencies. They can be used to buy items from the in-game shop. You can earn Kudos by completing select Challenges, as a reward for levelling up in the Fame Pass and as a reward for progressing in Live Events. They have the appearance of a purple coin with an large “K” on it.

The name of Kudos might be based on the phrase "to give kudos", which means to express praise and honor for an achievement.

Kudos Packs[ | ]

It was possible to obtain Kudos by buying Kudos Packs (also called Kudos Bundles) with real money, but these packs were permanently removed on 19 May 2022[1].

Kudos Packs (discontinued)
Kudos Pack Price (US) Price (EU)
Tiny Kudos Pack Tiny Kudos Pack
UI currency kudos 1080p 12500

UI currency kudos 1080p 1000 ≈ $0.4
$1 ≈ UI currency kudos 1080p 2505

UI currency kudos 1080p 1000 ≈ 0.4â‚Ĵ
1â‚Ĵ ≈ UI currency kudos 1080p 2505
Small Kudos Pack Small Kudos Pack
UI currency kudos 1080p 27500

UI currency kudos 1080p 1000 ≈ $0.36
$1 ≈ UI currency kudos 1080p 2753

UI currency kudos 1080p 1000 ≈ 0.36â‚Ĵ
1â‚Ĵ ≈ UI currency kudos 1080p 2753
Large Kudos Pack Large Kudos Pack
UI currency kudos 1080p 78000

UI currency kudos 1080p 1000 ≈ $0.32
$1 ≈ UI currency kudos 1080p 3121

UI currency kudos 1080p 1000 ≈ 0.32â‚Ĵ
1â‚Ĵ ≈ UI currency kudos 1080p 3121
Giant Kudos Pack Giant Kudos Pack
UI currency kudos 1080p 170000

UI currency kudos 1080p 1000 ≈ $0.29
$1 ≈ UI currency kudos 1080p 3401

UI currency kudos 1080p 1000 ≈ 0.29â‚Ĵ
1â‚Ĵ ≈ UI currency kudos 1080p 3401

Notes[ | ]

  • Before the update for Season 1 you were also able to earn Kudos by playing the game, based on your performance. The better the medal you achieved the more Kudos you recieved for it. Winning usually rewarded several hundred Kudos.
  • Before the update for Season 1 every other Prime Gaming pack also gave Kudos. A number of rereleased packs in early 2023 granted Kudos in their original amounts, and all offers afterward granted Kudos until the service's discontinuation in December 2023.
  • With the update for Season 1 every Crown in your stash was converted to UI currency kudos 1080p 3000.
  • With the release of the Fall Forever Update, Kudos were no longer obtainable through daily Challenges, and in July 2023 a text string was updated to indicate that the Fame Pass will be the only way to obtain Kudos going forward.
    • This is not correct, as players can still obtain Kudos from special Live Events and Challenge Events (e.g. Kudos Celebration).
  • Players can only obtain a maximum of 9999999 Kudos. However as the difficulty to acquire kudos was increased after Season 1 update. It's almost impossible to reach the limit for most of players, especially for players playing game after that point.

Gallery[ | ]

References[ | ]
