Fall Guys: Ultimate Knockout Wiki

INVISIBEANS levels are one of the eight types of levels in Fall Guys. This level type divides players into two teams with different objectives. The blue team's goal is to sneak past the yellow team to complete an objective within the time limit, while the yellow team's goal is to prevent this by grabbing members of the blue team and sending them to jail.

Invisibeans selection[ | ]

Miscellaneous mechanics[ | ]

  • The timer stays visible the entire match, unlike course levels where it appears at 15 seconds.

List of Invisibeans levels[ | ]

Round Objective How to play Participants Qualification Added in
Icon Sweet Thieves
Sweet ThievesThieves
Steal candy, avoid guardians!
Defend candy, capture thieves!
Steal candy and avoid capture within the time limit! Use HoldToWalk to walk and stay invisible!
Defend the candy and capture all Thieves!
8 - 12Highest scoring teamSeason 6 (Legacy) mid-season update
(22 February 2022)
Icon Treat Thieves
Treat ThievesTrickers
Steal candy, avoid treaters!
Defend candy, capture trickers!
Steal candy and avoid capture within the time limit! Use HoldToWalk to walk and stay invisible!
Defend the candy and capture all Trickers!
8 - 12Highest scoring teamSeason 2.2
(27 October 2022)

Trivia[ | ]

  • The blue team's role and abilities are likely the basis for the Sneaky Bean Power-Up, which gives players a virtually identical appearance. There are some noticeable differences, however:
    • Players with the Power-Up stay invisible until landing from a dive or ragdolling, unlike the blue team, where players only become visible when at a certain speed.

See also[ | ]
