Fall Guys: Ultimate Knockout Wiki
Fall Guys: Ultimate Knockout Wiki

FINAL rounds are one of the eight types of Levels in Fall Guys. Final levels determine the winner of an Episode.

Final selection[ | ]

  • Finals are usually selected as round 4 of an Episode. In rare cases, they may be selected earlier than expected if there were highly attritional rounds beforehand, or sometimes round 5 and later in cases where rounds eliminated fewer players than intended.
  • Final levels will only be selected if 10 players or less are remaining. (Most of finals can be selected with 10 players. The finals have to be included in the current round rotation in order to be selected).

Time Limits in Final Levels[ | ]

Despite a level will be chosen as a Final Round to determine the winner, all final levels will still be set a time limit instead of progressing limitlessly to prevent the game process from being very lengthy.

  • Normally the time limit will be set to 5:00 in most of Classic Finals. Time limit in Creative Finals depends on settings set by the level creator.
    • If this limit is reached in Survival-based Classic Finals (Hex-A-Gone, Jump Showdown, Thin Ice, Roll Off, Hex-A-Ring, Hex-A-Terrestrial, Kraken Slam) and Creative Survival Finals, everyone remaining wins. However there are two exceptions:
      • Timeouts are practically impossible in Hex-A-Ring due to the ring width scaling in size depending on the number of players.
      • Timeouts in most cases in Kraken Slam are all but impossible, as the kraken tips all platforms at around 4 minutes in. Without an incredibly specialised strategy to stand on the edge of a tipped platform, and coordination between the remaining players, it is impossible to reach the 5 minute mark.
    • If this limit is reached in Course-based Finals (Fall Mountain, Lost Temple, Tip Toe Finale) and Creative Course / Points Finals, everyone loses.
      • This time limit is almost never reached, except in incredibly contrived scenarios.
    • Royal Fumble, by contrast, ends after 1:30 instead.
    • Blast Ball has a time limit of 4:30, but as the entire arena will fall before time, it is impossible to time out without an incredibly specialized strategy.
  • In some special gamemodes, the time limit in Final level will be changed. (e.g. Final levels in Solos Chill, the timer is greatly shortened to make players win easily.)

Miscellaneous mechanics[ | ]

  • Because the game does not break ties:
    • In rare cases it is possible for there to be multiple winners on Fall Mountain/Lost Temple/Tip Toe Finale if multiple players are judged to have grabbed the crown at the same time by the server.
    • In extremely rare instances, nobody can win. This will occur if all remaining players hit the slime at the same time in rounds that have such a hazard. This is theoretically possible in Survival-based Classic Finals and Creative Survival Finals. This also occurs if the timer is allowed to run out on Fall Mountain, Lost Temple or Tip Toe Finale without anyone grabbing the crown, all Creative Course Finals without anyone reach the finish line or all Creative Points Finals without anyone reach the scoring goal.
      • This will result in the game switching over to the normal qualification animation used between rounds, and then ejecting all remaining players, resulting in "0 Qualified!" being displayed. This screen holds for a few seconds before the player is redirected to the reward screen or the player manually exits the game.

List of Final Levels[ | ]

Classic Final Levels[ | ]

Round Objective How to play Participants Qualification Added in
Icon Blast Ball
Blast BallLast one standing!Avoid the falling floor and throw blast balls at your opponents to WIN the CROWN!2 - 10
(Knockout, Solos and Duos)
2 - 12
LastSeason 1
(21 June 2022)
UI Medal Icon FallMountain
Fall MountainGrab the crown!Reach the top of the mountain first and use Grab to GRAB the CROWN!2 - 9
2 - 10
2 - 8
(Squads and Duos)
(25 July 2020)
UI Medal Icon HexAGone
Hex-A-GoneLast one standing!Floor pieces fall away when you stand on them - keep moving and survive longest to WIN the CROWN!2 - 10
(Solos and Duos)
2 - 12
(25 July 2020)
Icon Hex-A-Ring
Hex-A-RingStay on the ring!Stay on top of the rotating ring of tiles to WIN the CROWN!2 - 10
(Solos and Duos)
2 - 8
LastSeason 1
(21 June 2022)
Icon Hex-A-Terrestrial
Hex-A-TerrestrialDon't fall off!Floor pieces fall away temporarily when you stand on them - keep moving and survive longest to WIN the CROWN!2 - 10
(Solos and Duos)
2 - 12
LastSeason 2
(15 September 2022)
UI Medal Icon JumpShowdown
Jump ShowdownLast one standing!JUMP over the spinning beam and avoid the falling floor to WIN the CROWN!2 - 10
(Knockout, Solos and Duos)
2 - 12
(25 July 2020)
Icon Kraken Slam
Kraken SlamAvoid the water!Avoid jumping on the patterned tiles to prevent Kraken Tentacles from appearing. Don't fall into the water!2 - 10
(Knockout, Solos and Duos)
2 - 12
LastSeason 3
(22 November 2022)
UI Medal Icon LostTemple
Lost TempleGrab the crown!Break through doors to reach the crown at the end of the maze - some are real, some are fake!2 - 10
(Knockout, Solos and Duos)
2 - 12
FirstSeason 5 (Legacy)
(20 July 2021)
UI Medal Icon RollOff
Roll OffDon't fall off!Move between rotating rings to avoid the rising slime!2 - 10
(Knockout, Solos and Duos)
2 - 8
LastSeason 3 (Legacy)
(15 December 2020)
UI Medal Icon RoyalFumble
Royal FumbleGrab the tail!Use Grab to GRAB the TAIL and make sure you're wearing it when the timer runs out to WIN!4 - 6
2 - 10
8 - 12
Tailed on timerBeta
(25 July 2020)
UI Medal Icon ThinIce
Thin IceDon't fall through!Stay atop the cracking ice to avoid the slime below!2 - 10
(Knockout, Solos and Duos)
2 - 8
LastSeason 3 (Legacy)
(15 December 2020)
Icon TipToeFinale
Tip Toe FinaleGrab the crown!Work together to race across the tiles to reach the crown first!2 - 8
8 - 8
FirstSeason 2
(15 September 2022)

Creative Final Levels[ | ]

Round Description Theme Created by Participants
Thumbnail Apples & Oranges
Apples & Oranges
Navigate the obstacles and race to the finish line!OriginalFall Guys Teammax. 10
Thumbnail Bellyflop Battlers
Bellyflop Battlers
Navigate the obstacles and race to the finish line!OriginalFall Guys Teammax. 20
Thumbnail Breaking Blast Ball
Breaking Blast Ball
ブラストボールで、ライバルをじめんごと、ぶっとばせ!!! どんどんはかいされるステージ!さいごまで、たえきれるのは、だれだ!?OriginalStillTurkey8019max. 32
Thumbnail Castle Siege
Castle Siege
Stay on the hextiles and be the last bean standing!OriginalFall Guys Teammax. 10
Thumbnail Circle o' Slime
Circle o' Slime
Run away from the slime chasing you. Watch out, some of the platforms will break!OriginalFall Guys Teammax. 10
Icon Creative
Downtown Rush
Navigate the obstacles and get to the finish line!DigitalFall Guys Teammax. 10
Thumbnail Firewall Finale
Firewall Finale
Navigate the obstacles and race to the finish line!DigitalFall Guys Teammax. 10
Thumbnail Floatboat Heroes
Floatboat Heroes
Time for some fun in the pool, stay aboard the floatie to stay in the show!OriginalTazMac2max. 40
Thumbnail Gooprope Rodeo
Gooprope Rodeo
Jump over the spinning slime beams and don’t fall off!OriginalFall Guys Teammax. 12
Thumbnail Hectic Hexagons
Hectic Hexagons
Destroy the other islands and don't fall into the slime!OriginalFall Guys Teammax. 10
Thumbnail Hex-a-spectre
Collect sneaky bean power ups and use it to stay invisible while stepping on hex-a-tiles! Last bean standing wins!DigitalSeahuman1745max. 10
Thumbnail Invasion of the Bean Snatchers
Invasion of the Bean Snatchers
Survive the alien invasion and avoid the UFOs!OriginalOopi Doopimax. 10
Thumbnail Mega Monument
Mega Monument
Navigate the obstacles and race to the finish line!OriginalFall Guys Teammax. 10
Icon Creative
Out and About
Navigate the obstacles and race to the finish line!DigitalFall Guys Teammax. 10
Thumbnail Parkour Panic
Parkour Panic
Navigate the obstacles and race to the finish line!DigitalFall Guys Teammax. 10
Icon Creative
Rainbow Rise
Navigate the obstacles and race to the finish line!OriginalFall Guys Teammax. 10
Thumbnail Roller Derby
Roller Derby
Stay on top of your rolling ball and avoid the slime!OriginalFall Guys Teammax. 10
Thumbnail Rollin' Ruins
Rollin' Ruins
Grab a Power-up: Bean Ball and roll to the finish line!OriginalLevelDesignGuymax. 20
Thumbnail Rotate & Eliminate
Rotate & Eliminate
Stay on the platform and avoid the slime!DigitalFall Guys Teammax. 10
Thumbnail Slide Showdown
Slide Showdown
Navigate the obstacles and race to the finish line!OriginalFall Guys Teammax. 10
Thumbnail Slimeball Showdown
Slimeball Showdown
Avoid the rolling slimeballs!OriginalFall Guys Teammax. 16
Thumbnail Square Up
Square Up
Navigate the obstacles and race to the finish line!OriginalFall Guys Teammax. 10
Thumbnail Trampillas Tramposas
Trampillas Tramposas
Avoid being thrown into the lava by the fruits and be careful with the explosive rhinos!OriginalSrKocrettamax. 10
Thumbnail Transfer Turnpike
Transfer Turnpike
Navigate the obstacles and race to the finish line!DigitalFall Guys Teammax. 10
Thumbnail Trick or Trapeze
Trick or Trapeze
Reach the finish line and grab the crown first. Watch out for the rising slime!OriginalFall Guys Teammax. 10
Thumbnail Winter Gooprope Rodeo
Winter Gooprope Rodeo
Jump over the spinning slime beams and don’t fall off!OriginalFall Guys Teammax. 12
Thumbnail Winter Slimeball Showdown
Winter Slimeball Showdown
Avoid the rolling slimeballs!OriginalFall Guys Teammax. 16
Thumbnail Wooseleum
Navigate the obstacles and race to the finish line!OriginalFall Guys Teammax. 10

Special Variants[ | ]

There are also special Final variants of selected rounds. While (most of) these finals appear to have their normal variant's typical time limits, realistically these will not ever be reached.

Round Available in Introduced on Victory Condition
Icon Bean Hill Zone
Bean Hill ZoneGotta Go Fast!11 August 2022First to score 50 points
UI Medal Icon BigFans
Big FansX-treme Party28 March 2023Reach the finish line
UI Medal Icon BigShots
Big ShotsSilent's Memories17 November 2022Survive the whole duration
UI Medal Icon BubbleTrouble
Bubble TroubleBubble Trouble Trials25 July 2021First to score 20 points
UI Medal Icon ButtonBashers
Button BashersButton Basher Royale12 August 2021Highest scoring player
UI Medal Icon DoorDash
Door YeetClan of Yeetus28 July 2022Reach the finish line within 40 seconds
UI Medal Icon HitParade
Yeet ParadeClan of Yeetus28 July 2022Reach the finish line within 40 seconds
UI Medal Icon HoopsieLegends
Hoopsie LegendsSilent's Memories17 November 2022First to score 10 points
UI Medal Icon HoverboardHeroes
Hoverboard HeroesHoverboarding Time2 July 2021First to reach the finish line
UI Medal Icon JumpClub
Jump ClubSatellite Repair Mission Show25 August 2022Score 25 points
UI Medal Icon LilyLeapers
Lily LeapersLily Leapers Limbo/Beasty Guys1 August 2021/9 August 2021First to reach the finish line
Icon Party Promenade
Party PromenadeX-treme Party28 March 2023Reach the finish line
UI Medal Icon PegwinPoolParty
Pegwin Pool PartySilent's Memories/Pegwin Palooza17 November 2022/10 December 2024Score 25 points/Highest scoring team
UI Medal Icon PegwinPursuit
Pegwin PursuitPegwin Palooza10 December 2024Highest scoring team
Icon Pipe Dream
Pipe DreamX-treme Party28 March 2023Reach the finish line
Icon Pixel Painters
Pixel PaintersPixel Palooza22 October 2022Finish 5 paints within 70 seconds
UI Medal Icon RollOut
Roll OutSatellite Repair Mission Show25 August 2022Score 25 points
UI Medal Icon SkiFall
Ski Fall/
Ski Yeet
Ski Fall High Scorers/Clan of Yeetus/Silent's Memories13 July 2022/28 July 2022/17 November 2022Score 50 points within 2 minutes/Score 15 points within 100 seconds
UI Medal Icon SkylineStumble
Skyline StumbleX-treme Party28 March 2023Reach the finish line
UI Medal Icon SlimeClimb
Slime FinalSlime Climb Time5 April 2021First to reach the finish line
UI Medal Icon SnowballSurvival
Snowball SurvivalSatellite Repair Mission Show/Solos Chill/Knockout FTUE25 August 2022/14 February 2024/16 July 2024Score 25 points/Survive the whole duration
Icon Speed Slider
Speed SliderX-treme Party28 March 2023Reach the finish line
UI Medal Icon StompinGround
Stompin' GroundSurvival of the Fittest/Stompin' Ground Stand-Off/Solos Chill12 July 2022/28 September 2022/14 February 2024Last survivor/Survive the whole duration
UI Medal Icon TheSlimescraper
The SlimescraperX-treme Solos21 May 2021First to reach the finish line
UI Medal Icon TheWhirlygig
The WhirlygigX-treme Party28 March 2023Reach the finish line
UI Medal Icon TipToe
Tip ToeTip Toe Tournament17 September 2021First to reach the finish line
UI Medal Icon TreetopTumble
Treetop TumbleX-treme Party28 March 2023Reach the finish line
UI Medal Icon TundraRun
Tundra RunX-treme Party28 March 2023Reach the finish line
UI Medal Icon WallGuys
Wall YeetClan of Yeetus28 July 2022Reach the finish line within 40 seconds

Though not specifically categorized, Basketfall, Fall Ball, Jinxed, Power Trip, Volleyfall and Pixel Painters can be in effect finals in Squads and Duos. Sweet Thieves and Treat Thieves are effectively finals as well in their own Games (Sweet Thieves Show and Treat Thieves Show), since the game only lasts a single round. Also, until Season 6 (Legacy), Button Bashers could appear with only 2 players remaining, effectively making it a final despite not being categorized as one.

Trivia[ | ]

See also[ | ]

  • TIME ATTACK, a certain mode containing levels that act like finals, but have this level typing specifically.