Fall Guys: Ultimate Knockout Wiki

The Fall Feed is a feature used to indicate various events that have happened during a round. It is similar in style to a kill feed in multiplayer games, and its name likely derives from the latter as well. It was introduced in Season 3 (Legacy)'s mid-season update.

Description[ | ]

The Fall Feed is positioned in the top right corner of the screen. Only the five most recent events are displayed, each for a maximum of three seconds, and they are ordered with the very most recent at the top.

A feed item starts with the name of the player who triggered the event, followed by an icon indicating what happened.

  • Example:
    Player 1Fallfeed-race-first

Depending on the events, there can be a second name indicating that the former player has affected the latter.

  • Example:
    Player 1Fallfeed-tailPlayer 2

The player's name is displayed in capital letters in pink.

  • Example:
    PLAYER 1Fallfeed-race

Any squad member names are displayed in standard capitalization in pink.

  • Example:
    Player 1Fallfeed-race

Every other player name is displayed in standard capitalization in white.

In TEAM levels, all player names are colour-coded by team.

  • Example:
    Player 1Fallfeed-tailPlayer 2

Certain events display the team name instead of the player name.

  • Example:
    Blue TeamFallfeed-score-blue
    Yellow TeamFallfeed-score-yellow

Since the introduction of cross-play (with the Season 4.5 (Legacy) update), the platform that a player is using is displayed in front of the name.

  • Desktop (PC) Example:
    Platform-desktopPlayer 1Fallfeed-race-first
  • Mobile (iOS, Android) Example:
    Platform-mobilePlayer 1Fallfeed-race-first
  • Console (PlayStation, Xbox, Switch) Example:
    Platform-consolePlayer 1Fallfeed-race-first

Only platforms that are not the same as the one of the current player are displayed. For example, console platform icons are never displayed on consoles.

Squads[ | ]

In Squads and Duos, the Fall Feed additionally displays the amount of points scored by a player.

  • Example:
    Player 1Fallfeed-race+15 Points

At the launch of Season 4 (Legacy), the Fall Feed would show feed items relating to a player and their own teammates only; at an unknown period in time after that, it started to display feed items for all players as per normal.

Phrases[ | ]

When a player uses a Phrase, it is recorded in the Fall Feed.

  • Example:
    Player 1Fallfeed-messageHello!

If a player uses four Phrases in too short of a time, the Fall Feed will notify said player that the chat has been disabled for five seconds. These messages only show up for said player, and reappear when the player tries to use a Phrase within that time period.

  • Example:
    Chat disabled for 4 seconds

Piggybacking[ | ]

The Fall Feed also records when a piggyback is requested and initiated.

  • Example:
    Player 1Fallfeed-messageis asking for help
    Player 1Fallfeed-messageis being piggybacked

Events[ | ]

Event Explanation Sound Tracked on
Player 1Fallfeed-race-first
Player 1 has qualified in first place COURSE Icon Airtime AirtimeIcon Bounce Party Bounce PartyUI Medal Icon BubbleTrouble Bubble TroubleIcon Frantic Factory Frantic FactoryIcon Hoop Chute Hoop ChuteUI Medal Icon HoopsieLegends Hoopsie LegendsUI Medal Icon HoverboardHeroes Hoverboard HeroesIcon Hyperdrive Heroes Hyperdrive HeroesIcon Leading Light Leading LightUI Medal Icon PegwinPoolParty Pegwin Pool PartyUI Medal Icon SkiFall Ski Fall
Team BlueFallfeed-race-first
Team Blue has qualified in first place UI Medal Icon RocknRoll Rock 'n' RollUI Medal Icon SnowyScrap Snowy Scrap
Player 1Fallfeed-race
Player 1 has qualified (not in first place)
Squad/Party member and current player (only if player is in a Squad/Party)
COURSE Icon Airtime AirtimeIcon Bounce Party Bounce PartyUI Medal Icon BubbleTrouble Bubble TroubleIcon Frantic Factory Frantic FactoryIcon Hoop Chute Hoop ChuteUI Medal Icon HoopsieLegends Hoopsie LegendsUI Medal Icon HoverboardHeroes Hoverboard HeroesIcon Hyperdrive Heroes Hyperdrive HeroesIcon Leading Light Leading LightUI Medal Icon PegwinPoolParty Pegwin Pool PartyUI Medal Icon SkiFall Ski Fall
Player 1Fallfeed-eliminate
Player 1 has been eliminated
Squad/Party member and current player (only if player is in a Squad/Party)
SURVIVAL LOGIC Icon Blast Ball Blast BallUI Medal Icon HexAGone Hex-A-GoneIcon Hex-A-Ring Hex-A-RingIcon Hex-A-Terrestrial Hex-A-TerrestrialUI Medal Icon JumpShowdown Jump ShowdownIcon Kraken Slam Kraken SlamUI Medal Icon RollOff Roll OffUI Medal Icon SlimeClimb Slime ClimbUI Medal Icon TheSlimescraper The SlimescraperUI Medal Icon ThinIce Thin Ice
Player 1Fallfeed-score-hoop
Player 1 scored a golden hoop UI Medal Icon HoopsieLegends Hoopsie Legends
Team BlueFallfeed-score-hoop
Team Blue scored a golden hoop UI Medal Icon HoopsieDaisy Hoopsie Daisy
Team BlueFallfeed-score-blue
Team Blue scored a goal UI Medal Icon Basketfall BasketfallUI Medal Icon FallBall Fall Ball
Team YellowFallfeed-score-yellow
Team Yellow scored a goal UI Medal Icon Basketfall BasketfallUI Medal Icon FallBall Fall Ball
Player 1Fallfeed-tailPlayer 2
Player 1 stole the tail from Player 2 UI Medal Icon RoyalFumble Royal FumbleUI Medal Icon TailTag Tail TagIcon Sweet Thieves Sweet ThievesIcon Treat Thieves Treat Thieves Note: INVISIBEANS rounds likely use this visual due to a bug or oversight.
Player 1Fallfeed-tailPlayer 2
Player 1 (member of Team Blue) stole the tail from Player 2 (member of Team Yellow) UI Medal Icon TailTag Team Tail Tag
Player 1Fallfeed-jinx
Player 1 is the first jinxed player of Team Blue UI Medal Icon Jinxed Jinxed
Player 1Fallfeed-jinxPlayer 2
Player 1 (member of Team Blue) jinxed Player 2 (member of Team Yellow) See: UI Medal Icon Jinxed Jinxed
Player 1Fallfeed-messageHello!
Player 1 has used the Hello! Phrase All levels
Player 1Fallfeed-messageis asking for help
Player 1 has requested a piggyback See: Piggybacking#Unavailability
Player 1Fallfeed-messageis being piggybacked
Player 1's piggyback request has been accepted See: Piggybacking#Unavailability

Options[ | ]

The feed can be modified in the Options menu, with the text size able to be changed from small to large, or the feature turned off altogether. Fallfeed-options

Known Bugs[ | ]

  • From the 5 October 2021 update to the 20 October 2021, the Fall Feed would play sounds for all players that have qualified or been eliminated, even if they were not in your party.
    • As a workaround, you could either disable the Fall Feed altogether, or tweak the audio settings.
      • This issue was fixed on 20 October 2021.
      • The sounds still apply when the events happen to someone on your squad in Squads Show.
  • The Fall Feed does not record qualifications in POINTS levels in Knockout.