Fall Guys: Ultimate Knockout Wiki
Fall Guys: Ultimate Knockout Wiki
This page is about the currency. For the interactive object, see Crown.
UI currency crowns 1080p

UI currency crowns 1080p Crowns are one of the in-game currencies in Fall Guys. They are solely used for advancing the Crown Rank, but could be used to purchase items prior to Season 1..

Players can earn Crowns by winning Games, receive them as a reward for leveling up during a Season, external promotions (Prime Gaming), and surveys. Some Games might reward more or less than UI currency crowns 1080p 1 for winning, depending on their difficulty (e.g.: Hard Mode, Squads Show). Earning 60 UI currency shards 1080p Crown Shards earns the player a Crown, resetting the Crown Shard counter[1].

On the 1st anniversary of Fall Guys (4 August 2021), a double Crown multiplier was activated, lasting one full day[citation needed].

Starting from Season 1, Crowns were converted into UI currency kudos 1080p Kudos at a rate of UI currency kudos 1080p 3000 per Crown, and are no longer a spendable currency as they got replaced by UI GemCurrency Image Show-Bucks[2].

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